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Bank of Canada

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Rates and Statistics

Monetary Policy Indicators

Indicators of Capacity and Inflation Pressures for Canada

The Bank of Canada monitors a wide range of indicators in assessing the extent of pressures on capacity and inflation.The Bank's conventional estimate of the output gap provides an overall assessment of the degree of slack in the economy, but this estimate is subject to considerable uncertainty. This uncertainty is addressed by considering a wide range of indicators in various markets. Many of these indicators are derived from data published by Statistics Canada, but some reflect information gathered by the Bank's regional representatives as well as by various outside sources. For further discussion of uncertainty as well as the information and analysis used to inform monetary policy decisions at the Bank of Canada, see Jenkins and Longworth1 (2002) and Macklem2 (2002).

1. Jenkins, Paul and David Longworth, "Monetary Policy and Uncertainty." Bank of Canada Review, Summer 2002: 3-10.
2. Macklem, Tiff, "Information and Analysis for Monetary Policy: Coming to a Decision." Bank of Canada Review, Summer 2002: 11-18.

(Sources) (Printer-friendly tables)

Note: The following tables are updated two days after the Bank's most recent announcement date for the target overnight rate, based on information available up to that date. When there is a Monetary Policy Report, the tables are updated on the release date of the Report, again based on information available up to the last fixed announcement date.

Updated: 18 October 2007
Next update: 6 December 2007

Inflation (year-over-year percentage change)
Selected definitions, graphs
and historical data
2005Q4 2006Q1 2006Q2 2006Q3 2006Q4 2007Q1 2007Q2 2007Q3 2007Q4 Latest data
Core inflation  2.2Aug
CPI excluding food, energy, and the effect of changes in indirect taxes  2.2Aug
CPIW  2.1Aug
Weighted median  2.4Aug
CPI Inflation  1.7Aug
Chain price index for GDP  3.5Q2
Chain price index for consumption  1.4Q2
Chain price index for consumption excluding food and energy  1.4Q2

Product market
Selected definitions, graphs
and historical data
2005Q42006Q12006Q22006Q32006Q42007Q12007Q22007Q32007Q4Latest data
Output gap (Bank of Canada's conventional measure) 0.8Q3 *
Capacity utilization rate Non-farm goods (%) (1987-2001 avg. = 83.35) 86.085.884.683.582.482.883.0  83.0Q2
Manufacturing (%) (1987-2001 avg. = 81.80) 84.884.983.382.  81.3Q2
Bank of Canada Regional Office Survey Difficulty meeting and unanticipated increase in demand/sales (% firms) 49.644.647.646.649.550.055.053.8 53.8Q3
Unfilled orders/shipments - Manufacturing excluding aerospace products and parts 0.560.570.560.540.530.610.61  0.63Aug
Aggregate stock-to-sales ratio 0.6070.6160.6260.6270.6240.6140.607  0.607Q2
* As shown in the most recent issue of the Monetary Policy Report.

Labour market
Selected definitions, graphs
and historical data
2005Q42006Q12006Q22006Q32006Q42007Q12007Q22007Q32007Q4Latest data
Unemployment rate (%) 5.9Sep
Participation rate (%) 67.5Sep
Growth in employment (annualized rate, %) 0.3Sep (1)
Skilled labour shortage (% firms) - Manufacturing (Statscan survey) 11.0Q3
Labour shortage (% firms) - All sectors (Bank of Canada Regional Office Survey) 41.0Q3
1. Percentage change at monthly rate.

Wages and costs (year-over-year percentage change)
Selected definitions, graphs
and historical data
2005Q42006Q12006Q22006Q32006Q42007Q12007Q22007Q32007Q4Latest data
Labour Force Survey - average hourly earnings (unweighted) All employees 4.2Sep
Permanent employees 4.1Sep
Wage settlements - Private sector  3.7Aug
Compensation per hour - Business sector  5.7Q2
Unit labour costs - Total economy (labour income/GDP at market prices)  4.4Q2
Unit labour costs - Business sector  4.8Q2
Bank of Canada commodity price index Total 31.516.916.13.2- 12.5Sep
Energy 57.427.514.1-12.6-24.6-8.1-0.23.9 21.9Sep
Non-energy 6.36.918.324.922.718.213.75.1 4.5Sep

Real estate market (year-over-year percentage change)
Selected definitions, graphs
and historical data
2005Q42006Q12006Q22006Q32006Q42007Q12007Q22007Q32007Q4Latest data
New-housing price index  6.5Aug
Resale-housing prices:  9.1Q2
Vacancy rate apartments (%) 2.7   2.6    2.606Q4
offices (%) 6.4Q3
industrial market (%)  4.8Q2

Expectations (year-over-year percentage change)
Selected definitions and graphs
2005Q42006Q12006Q22006Q32006Q42007Q12007Q22007Q32007Q4Latest data
Percentage of firms expecting price increases over the next six months of:
1% or less 891313231211  11Q2
2% or less 49525863685562  62Q2
3% or less 88959395898791  91Q2
more than 3% 1245511139  9Q2
CPI inflation: Consensus Forecasts
2006    2.0Dec
2007 2.3Sep
2008 2.3Sep
2-3 years 2.0 2.0 2.0    2.0
6-10 years 2.0 2.0 2.0    2.0
Bank of Canada Regional Office Survey — Percentage of firms expecting CPI inflation over the next two years to be: Less than 1% 02001110 0Q3
1-2% 1415151526281416 16Q3
2-3% 6163616360607068 68Q3
more than 3% 1918222011101412 12Q3
Expectations implicit in real/nominal bond spread 2.3Sep