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Grant Programs for Aboriginal Artists and Arts Organizations

All Canada Council programs - in dance, music, theatre, writing and publishing, media arts, visual arts and inter-arts (interdisciplinary work and performance art) - are open to Aboriginal artists and arts organizations.


  • Grants to Aboriginal Dance Professionals (2007-08-20)

    This program provides support and assistance to Canadian Aboriginal dance professionals (individuals) to pursue projects involving professional development, research, and apprenticeship or mentorship.

  • Aboriginal Peoples Production Project Grants in Dance (2007-08-21)

    The program aims to respond to the natural creative cycles of dance artists and to bring high quality dance works to audiences. It provides project support to Canadian Aboriginal dance professionals (individuals), companies, collectives and organizations.

Media Arts

  • Aboriginal Media Arts Program (2006-02-03)

    This program reduces the historical barriers to media arts production by Aboriginal artists and encourages the use of media arts as a tool for artistic expression.


  • Aboriginal Peoples Music Program (2006-02-03)

    This program provides project support to Aboriginal individuals, groups, collectives and organizations that contribute to the diversity and originality of Aboriginal peoples music.


Visual Arts

Writing & Publishing

  • Grants to Aboriginal Writers, Storytellers and Publishers (2006-05-02)

    The objectives of the Grants to Aboriginal Writers, Storytellers and Publishers program are to encourage the artistic development of established and emerging Aboriginal writers and storytellers, to encourage the development of Aboriginal publishers and collectives, and to help increase appreciation for Aboriginal literature in Canada. Aboriginal peoples include Status, Non-Status, Métis and Inuit people.

  • Aboriginal Emerging Writers Residencies (2006-05-02)

    This is one component of the Grants to Aboriginal Writers, Storytellers and Publishers program.