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News Releases - 2006

New Canada Council program will support artistic exchange between Aboriginal Elders and youth

Ottawa, May 9, 2006 The Canada Council for the Arts has launched a new pilot program that will help young Aboriginal artists learn from Elders. The Elder/Youth Legacy pilot program will give Elders the opportunity to pass on the many art forms they practice to the next generation.

The deadline for applications to this program is June 15.

“The Elder/Youth Legacy initiative is an exciting new development at Canada Council,” said Louise Profeit-Leblanc, the Council’s Aboriginal Arts Coordinator. “This new component of the Aboriginal Peoples Collaborative Exchange program has been sought by Aboriginal artists and organizations to ensure succession of artistic practice and to transfer knowledge to future generations.”

The Elder/Youth Legacy pilot program funds Aboriginal arts organizations that wish to work with these two groups on a project basis. This program is not limited to traditional art forms but encompasses all forms of the arts.

Through this program, Aboriginal arts organizations can choose the Elder who will work with youth. The Elder will help decide the number of young people with whom he or she will work and will help select them. The organizations can apply for a grant worth up to $20,000.

For more information about this program, contact Louise Profeit-Leblanc, Aboriginal Arts Coordinator, at 1 800 263-5588, ext. 4222.  

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Acting Program Officer
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