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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide



Farmers welcomed to forums with CWB Directors

Winnipeg – The CWB's elected directors are inviting farmers to a series of prairie-wide Farmer Forums that are being held over the next few weeks.

“The CWB is farmers’ business,” said Larry Hill, a CWB farmer-elected director who is hosting a meeting in Lethbridge tonight. “These meetings are designed to ensure there is opportunity for information to be shared between western Canadian producers and the CWB directors who represent them. We’re accountable to farmers so we need to tell them what we’ve been doing and gather their input and feedback.”

CWB Farmer Forums have been scheduled in 29 communities from February 16 to March 19. They take place annually as part of the board of directors' commitment to engage all farmers in their business.

All meetings will address CWB performance and financial results for 2005-06, as well as market and price outlooks and recent enhancements to CWB programs. Farmers can pre-register by phoning 1-800-275-4292, or e-mailing

Controlled by western Canadian farmers, the CWB is the largest wheat and barley marketer in the world. One of Canada's biggest exporters, the Winnipeg-based organization sells grain to over 70 countries and returns all sales revenue, less marketing costs, to farmers.

Locations and dates of CWB Farmer Forums
For a complete list including times, venues and directors, visit

British Columbia:
March 1: Dawson Creek

Feb. 16 Lethbridge
Feb. 28 Westlock
March 2 Grimshaw
March 7 Lacombe
March 8 Killam
March 13 Hussar
March 14 Beiseker
March 15 Andrew

Feb. 22 Wakaw
March 5 Nokomis
March 6 Ituna, Raymore
March 8 Radisson
March 12 Plenty, Naicam, Mossbank
March 13 Pense, Richmound
March 14 Lloydminster, Stoughton
March 15 Eston, Bethune, Kamsack

Feb 28 Arborg
March 5 Dauphin
March 7 Morris
March 14 Neepawa
March 19 Russell

For more information, please contact:

Maureen Fitzhenry
Media Relations Manager
Tel: (204) 983-3101
Cell: (204) 479-2451

Heather Frayne
CWB Corporate Communications
Tel: (204) 984-8620
Cell: (204) 299-8398

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