Search Engine

Hosted by Jesse Brown

Thursdays at 11:30am (12:00 NT) and Tuesdays at 3:30 pm (4:00 NT, select markets) on CBC Radio One.

The unlikely Presidency of Ron Paul.

On this week's show we'll continue our "tech-election" forecast with a look at the startling campaign being run by (and on behalf of) Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Paul inspires many YouTube tribute clips. Here's one:


Canadians are already set up to support Ron Paul.

Considering he is the only presidential candidate that is against the current war, and future coming wars, its surprising, or perhaps it isn't that the coverage for Ron Paul is so scarce.

The old media in the US thinks it can pick who the next presidential candidates will be, but the real people are using the internet to bring change.

Go Ron Paul!

what a shock: you've chosen to profile the only libertarian candidate vying for the u.s. presidency. this choice wouldn't have been influenced at all by the political views held by the creators of search engine, would it? of course not. how silly of me.

Your Article Starts out with "Wild Libertarian Ideas"...

"WILD".. Polls show that the American people agree with his Wild Ideas..

63 % of Americans want the war to end NOW... is that Wild enough for you.

Ron Paul is in step with how Real Americans Feel, not how the Main Stream Media Feels.

Shame on you for perpetuating the Myth that Ron Paul is only an internet phenomena.

Tens of thousands of Real Individual Americans donated on the Fifth of November.. not just Lobbyists or Corporations.

I remember the days when the CBC used to have Journalistic Standars.. too bad they are in your Past.

I would expect that if any candidate was able to raise record amounts of campaign contributions from mostly regular people and not just huge corporate donations, they would deserve the same attention. Even if they were a mainstream candidate.

I would like to see Steven Harper stick up to George Bush and other globalists like Ron Paul does. Ron Paul's foreign policy is awesome, his views of the rights of individuals is great. I am not American but I like him so much I tried to donate money to his campaign by internet. I don't even donate to the Canadian Conservatives anymore. The guy has got guts.

Another angle to the tech election thread is when the online community itself gets involved in an election. For instance, in the 2006 general election the blogosphere (Including Cory Doctorow of BoingBoing) was watching the riding of Parkdale - High Park very closely. It wasn't so much that we were supporting any specific candidate, but that we were opposing Sam Bulte who was the Hollywood/RIAA candidate (Officially Liberal, but we knew where here alliances really were).

Here is our BLOG topic for that riding, and if you look back to the election period you will see many related articles.

well, now that i've actually *heard* the piece, i take back what i said earlier. more fair and balanced than fox news, even!

In the states, Ron Paul is excluded or denigrated or condescended to by the national media. When his numbers are reported, more often then not, they are under-reported.

Examples: His November 5th $4.38M money bomb was reported by Fox News as 3.8M; his 33% post debate poll was reported at first as inconclusive, then as "33, no 30% by the news caster who was overtly trying to keep the numbers from being mentioned -- it was too late, they were displayed.

When McCain gets 95,000 reports in the national broadcast news, and Ron Paul gets only 4K-plus change reports year to date, Paul doesn't show up in the polls. And the media is happy to push the fact that he never shows up in the polls--wonder why?

No polls existed for most of the period that McCain enjoyed the excessive media advantage. And none of the top tier candidates have any real original ideas on how to run the government, nor any of the history of principled action as Paul does, nor are they steeped in economics and philosophy as is Paul.

Still, Ron Paul has gained far moecontributions then McCain, and mostly from small contributors. And he enjoys a huge internet following, as well as much admiration from US troops overseas.

What accounts for Paul's successes is obvious, spontaneous order rules in the wake of Paul's rational approach to governance and personal comportment. His principled manner, leaves a tremendous amount of room for all of those who engage with him to act freely on there own. And their motivation isn't altruistic. They know concretely just how much better off they will be in a world of personal liberty and self responsibility, and they know that they can count on Ron Paul to act with integrity both personally and in the execution of his office.

Where's a Canadian Ron Paul?

I'm not sure thats saying much Declan...

The next online event for Ron Paul is scheduled for December 16th: Tea Party '07, based on the (in)famuous Boston Tea Party -

This time the goal is $10M.

I can only hope CBC radio/tv will take the time to interview Ron Paul. This man is so bold and on the ball. I'm pushing for Ron Paul and trying to sell my American relatives on voting for him. Even as a Canadian I have a Ron Paul Banner on my car window.

Ron Paul Hope For America and the planet.

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