<% dim objFSO1, objFile1, x1 x1 = Request.ServerVariables("path_info") set objFSO1 = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set objFile1 = objFSO1.GetFile(Server.MapPath(x1)) dim date1, getday1, getmonth1, getyear1 date1 = objFile1.DateLastModified if DateDiff("d", objFile1.DateCreated, date1) < 0 then date1 = objFile1.DateCreated getday1 = Day(date1) if Len(getday1) < 2 then getday1 = "0" & getday1 getmonth1 = Month(date1) if Len(getmonth1) < 2 then getmonth1 = "0" & getmonth1 getyear1 = Year(date1) set objFSO1 = nothing set objFile1 = nothing %> "> <% dim strBrowser strBrowser = LCase(Request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) if InStr(strBrowser,"gecko") <> 0 then Response.write vbCrLf & "" elseif InStr(strBrowser,"msie 6") <> 0 then Response.write vbCrLf & "" elseif InStr(strBrowser,"msie 5") <> 0 then Response.write vbCrLf & "" elseif InStr(strBrowser,"mac") <> 0 then Response.write vbCrLf & "" elseif InStr(strBrowser,"opera") <> 0 then Response.write vbCrLf & "" else Response.write vbCrLf & "" end if %> Canadian Coast Guard, Central and Arctic Region
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Canadian Coast Guard Crest

Canadian Coast Guard
Central and Arctic Region

Welcome to the Central and Arctic Region of the Canadian Coast Guard. You can navigate this site using either the buttons at the top of the page or click on the headings below.

To learn more about the Central and Arctic Region go to our About Us page.