Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Speaking Points for

the Honourable Jim Prentice, PC, QC, MP
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians

at the

Pikangikum Infrastructure Funding Announcement

Eenchokay Birchstick School
Pikangikum First Nation
April 10, 2007

Check against delivery

  • Elders, Chief Pascal, councillors, students, guests - thank you very much for the kind invitation to visit your community today.

  • I am happy to see all of you students here this afternoon. You know, my duties as Minister mean that I have a lot of speaking engagements - but I think the ones I enjoy the most are when there are students like yourselves in the audience.

  • You are the future of this community. It is through your dreams, your aspirations, and your hard work, that Pikangikum can look forward to a brighter future.

  • Canada's New Government is working hard too - working with First Nations to make your communities healthier, stronger, and more prosperous.

  • Here in Pikangikum, that means we need to work with you on initiatives that will mean a real improvement in your quality of life. Today I am happy to announce funding to make that happen.

  • Canada's New Government is investing more than $46 million on measures that will make a real difference in your community.

  • That money includes $18.2 million for the design and construction of a new school. A safe and healthy learning environment is essential for you to succeed in your studies, so you can reach your goals in life.

  • This funding also includes $12.9 million to improve the electrical supply.

  • Some of that money will be used to fix the diesel generating station, so you can have a good supply of electricity right now.

  • The rest will be used to help connect Pikangikum to Ontario's hydro line system. Once connected, the community will have more electricity in the future for new buildings, like your new school and more homes.

  • I would also like to announce $9.7 million for new water and sewer servicing that will bring clean, safe drinking water right to your homes.

  • Housing is also very important. Canada's New Government is providing Pikangikum with more than $3.9 million to help you buy equipment and supplies to build new houses, and to fix older homes.

  • Schools; housing; electrical power; water and sewer systems - these are essential elements to any healthy, sound community. These investments will make a positive difference in your everyday lives.

  • The Government of Canada will continue to work closely with your community to resolve the pressing issues that are affecting your quality of life.

  • But we have all agreed that solutions must also come from the community - and I know that this community is working on the development of a community-driven Action Plan - one that identifies roles and responsibilities and has clear goals and objectives.

  • We want to move forward with you towards a promising future. These investments are a step along that road.

  • Thank you, once again, for your kind hospitality.

  • Meeg-weech'.