Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Speaking notes for

Steven Blaney, MP for Lévis-Bellechasse

On the occasion of the start of work on the new tourism infrastructure in Wendake, Quebec

May 4, 2007

Check against delivery


Thank you, Mr Savard.

Grand Chief Max Gros-Louis, Members of the Band Council, Ministers Josée Verner, Philippe Couillard and Benoît Pelletier, Mr. Gilles Taillon, member of the National Assembly, Lady Mayoress Andrée Boucher, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.

I am delighted that the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, has asked me to represent him here today at this inauguration ceremony Wendake's new tourism infrastructure construction project. This major initiative paves the way for realization of a great shared dream, one cherished for many years by the Huron-Wendat Nation.

This project will undoubtedly contribute to the economic development of Wendake and of the greater Quebec City region.

Moreover, the 2008 celebrations of the 400th anniversary of the founding of Quebec City lend an altogether special significance to the creation of this tourist complex, since the Huron-Wendat community will be the hosting First Nation for this event.

I want to commend the tireless efforts of the Wendake Band Council to develop the concept and plans, muster financial partners, plan all the stages in the process and launch the site work. I congratulate you, Grand Chief Gros-Louis, for your leadership of this project, culminating today in this celebration redolent with promise and possibilities.

In the area of economic development, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has been making sustained efforts for a number of years, working closely with Aboriginal communities and other federal and provincial partners -partnerships which have enabled us to build a sound and realistic financing structure.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada is proud of its investment of more than $ 2 million in this worthwhile project. This funding will support engineering costs for this hotel and museum complex, as well as construction costs and the purchase of equipment for the hotel.

This is a part of Canada's New Government's new approach to Aboriginal issues - giving First Nations the tools they need to develop their economy, to prosper and to improve their quality of life.

Their future and that of all Canadians is at stake.

At more than $20 million, this cultural and tourism infrastructure project attests to the determination, the vitality and the savoir-faire of the Wendake community.

Ladies and gentlemen, the economic benefit to the community from this project has been estimated at $34.7 million over the next five years. About 66 permanent jobs will be created, as well as 145 more in the coming two year, in the construction and site layout phases of the project.

The Hôtel-Musée project will promote the emergence of numerous small satellite businesses in the community and elsewhere in the Quebec City area. It will also lead to the training of a qualified workforce for the tourism industry.

Grand Chief Gros-Louis and distinguished Band Council members, the Minister Prentice, was insistent on conveying to you his very best wishes for the success of this project.

Thank you.