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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide



April 3, 2002

CWB Directors hear key concerns at farmer meetings

Winnipeg - All ten of the CWB's farmer-elected directors took to the road in March for a series of accountability meetings with their neighbours and fellow farmers. Held at 41 locations throughout Western Canada, these meetings were an opportunity for farmers to ask questions, gather information and voice their concerns on a number of issues.

"We've just met with over 3,500 farmers," noted Ken Ritter, chair of the CWB's farmer-controlled Board of Directors. "This has been a tremendous opportunity for us to get feedback from farmers and to find out first-hand what is on their minds."

Several concerns were raised time and again throughout the accountability meetings:

"The CWB is committed to addressing these important issues," explained Ritter. "This includes bringing them to the attention of appropriate bodies like the federal and provincial governments, reporting back to farmers on the actions that we will be undertaking as well as continuing the dialogue with our stakeholders on these and other important matters."

Controlled by western Canadian farmers, the CWB is the largest wheat and barley marketer in the world. As one of Canada's biggest exporters, the Winnipeg-based organization sells grain to more than 70 countries and returns all sales revenue, less the costs of marketing, to Prairie farmers.

Media may contact elected directors for more information on the issues of local concern for farmers. Listed below is the contact information for each of the ten farmer-elected directors.

District 1

Arthur W. Macklin
Grande Prairie, AB
Tel: (780) 532-0677 (Home)
(780) 957-2583 (Farm)
Cell: (780) 518-0401

District 2

James F. Chatenay
Red Deer, AB
Tel: (403) 886-4632
Fax: (403) 886-4622
Cell: (403) 302-2555

District 3

Larry W. Hill
Swift Current, SK
Tel: (306) 778-2359

District 4

Ken Ritter, Chair
Kindersley, SK
Tel: (306) 463-5943
Fax: (306) 463-6985

District 5

John M. Clair
Radisson, SK
Tel: (306) 827-2234
Fax: (306) 827-2008
Cell: (306) 827-7565

District 6

Ian L. McCreary
Bladworth, SK
Tel: (306) 567-2099
Fax: (306) 567-2112

District 7

Micheal G.W. Halyk
Melville, SK
Tel: (306) 728-5579
Fax: (306) 728-3771
Cell: (306) 728-7790

District 8

Rod Flaman
Edenwold, SK
Tel: (306) 771-2823
Fax: (306) 771-4218

District 9

William A. Nicholson
Shoal Lake, MB
Tel: (204) 759-2368
Fax: (204) 759-2484

District 10

Wilfred A. Harder
Lowe Farm, MB
Tel: (204) 746-8005

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