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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide



August 29, 2002

CWB releases action plan for Auditor General Report

Winnipeg -The CWB today released a summary of its action plan to address recommendations made by the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) earlier this year. The action plan fulfills the commitment made by the CWB to respond to the report within six months.

The OAG's report, released February 27 after an intensive two-year special audit, concluded that, except for significant deficiencies in four areas, the CWB "has appropriate management systems and practices directed at meeting its expected corporate results and at optimizing returns to grain farmers". The four areas of deficiencies identified were governance, strategic planning, performance measurement and reporting and information technology.

Specific actions in each of these areas have already been taken, with plans underway for further actions. For example, in the area of corporate governance, a self-assessment is being undertaken on the board's practices and the conduct of its meetings to continue to enhance the board's effectiveness and governance practices. In the area of information technology, significant changes have been made within the IT management team, resulting in more stable leadership.

"We believe, as pointed out by the OAG, that acting to address these deficiencies will help the board of directors and management better demonstrate our accountability to farmers and provide us with better information for decision making," said Ken Ritter, Chair of the board.

"The CWB is committed to improving our already effective operations. Releasing the steps we are taking or will take in this regard is but the first step in ensuring western Canadian farmers continue to hold us accountable for our actions."

A copy of the action plan summary is attached and has also been posted on our Web site,

Controlled by western Canadian farmers, the CWB is one of the largest wheat and barley marketers in the world. As one of Canada's biggest exporters, the Winnipeg-based organization sells grain to more than 70 countries and returns all sales revenue, less the costs of marketing, to Prairie farmers.

For further information, contact:
Ken Ritter
Farmer and Chair, Board of Directors
Tel: (306) 463-5943
Cell: (306) 463-9287

Louise Waldman
Media Relations Manager
Tel: (204) 983-3101
Cell: (204) 227-062

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