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Canadian Wheat Board

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CWB celebrates 10th anniversary of Beijing office

September 23, 2004

Winnipeg - Wheat and barley exports to China have built a "bridge of friendship" between Canada and China, CWB President and CEO Adrian Measner told a Beijing audience today. Speaking at the dinner celebrating the 10th anniversary of the CWB's Beijing office, Measner said that China was the largest foreign buyer of western Canadian wheat in 2003-04 and predicted China will remain an important and valued customer for western Canadian farmers in the years to come.

"It was more than 40 years ago that the first wheat was shipped between our two countries," Measner said. "Since our first contact with [Chinese grain importer] COFCO, a bridge of friendship has been built between our nations, a bridge built on a foundation of grain."

While the CWB opened its office in Beijing on September 28, 1994, Measner said, the CWB first marketed western Canadian grain to COFCO in 1961. Over the years, 120 million tonnes of Canadian grain have been exported to China - 113 million tonnes of wheat and seven million tonnes of barley. "To put that figure into perspective, that's enough wheat to bake approximately 279 billion loaves of bread and enough malt barley to produce 108 billion bottles of beer," he said.

China's economy is one of the fastest growing in the world, expected to increase by over eight per cent in 2004, double the projected growth of the overall global economy. The demand for western Canadian grain in China is also expected to grow in the years ahead.

"As China continues its strong record of growth and expansion, the CWB is proud to be part of this effort," Measner said. "We are also very pleased to see many exciting opportunities for western Canadian farmers here in China."

Attending the reception with Measner on behalf of the CWB were Ward Weisensel, Chief Operating Officer, Darrell Bushuk, senior marketing manager for Asia-Pacific and Haiguang Shi, the general manager of the CWB's Beijing office. Also attending was Canada's Ambassador to China, Joseph Caron.

There were several honoured guests at the reception from COFCO, including Chairman Zhou Mingchen and President Liu Fuchun.

Controlled by western Canadian farmers, the CWB is the largest wheat and barley marketer in the world. As one of Canada's biggest exporters, the Winnipeg-based organization sells grain to more than 70 countries and returns all sales revenue, less marketing costs, to Prairie farmers.

For more information, please contact:

Louise Waldman
Manager, Media Relations
Tel: (204) 983-3101
Cell: (204) 479-2451

CWB staff met with Chinese grain industry representatives at a dinner and reception held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the CWB's Beijing office. From left to right: Darryl Bushek, senior marketing manager Asia-Pacific; Adrian Measner CWB President and CEO; Chen Xiwen, vice chariman of China economic development association and Haiguang Shi, the general manager of the CWB's Beijing office in Beijing, China.

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