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Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide



July 9, 2001

CWB enhances payment options to better serve farmers

-- The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) today announced further enhancements to its Producer Payment Options. Starting August 1, 2001, farmers can take part in the Early Payment Option (EPO) for Canadian Western Red Winter wheat (CWRW) and Canadian Western Soft White Spring wheat (CWSWS). Farmers participating in the trial program will receive a greater portion of their expected final price upon delivery, while remaining in the pool account.

"The EPO, along with previously announced initiatives like the fixed price and basis contract, demonstrates our commitment to giving farmers realistic and meaningful choices," said Board of Directors Chair Ken Ritter. "These payment alternatives give farmers more tools to meet their business needs."

The EPO is scheduled to begin as early as August 1 and will run until November 30, 2001. Here is how it will work:

Farmers who choose to participate in the program will deliver through regular opportunities, namely acreage-based and delivery contracts.

For the 2001-02 crop year, the EPO is only available to growers of CWRW and CWSWS. However, it may be expanded to include other classes of wheat in future crop years if the program proves to be successful.

Additional program details will be available on the CWB´s toll-free line at 1-800-ASK-4-CWB, on our Web site under the payment section at and in Grain Matters, the CWB´s newsletter to farmers.

The CWB is the world´s largest farmer-controlled wheat and barley marketer. Headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, it is one of Canada´s biggest exporters and the largest net earner of foreign currency. Marketing Prairie-grown wheat and barley to over 70 countries around the world, the CWB returns all sales revenue, less the costs of marketing, to farmers in Western Canada.

Backgrounder - CWB Early Payment Options 2001-02

Beginning as early as August 1, 2001, the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) will offer an Early Payment Option program for CW Red Winter (CWRW) and CW Soft White Spring (CWSWS) wheat. The program is designed to provide farmers with improved cash flow and a guaranteed payment value for these classes of wheat.

Early Payment Value:
At the time of sign up, farmers will be guaranteed an early payment value (EPV) of 90 per cent of the PRO for the base grade in the class selected. The CWB will announce the value and discount for each class offered on a daily basis. The discount covers risk, time value of money and applicable administration costs. The early payment value and discount will be available through the toll-free number, fax on demand and the CWB Web site (

Contract sign up and commitment:
Farmers must sign up their intended tonnage for this program by November 30, 2001.
Early delivery will yield the greatest benefit because, as the crop year progresses, the spread between the initial and the final payment narrows. This reduces the size of the additional payment that farmers access under the terms of the EPO. Eligible grades are No. 1 and 2 CWRW and No. 1 and 2 CWSWS (including all protein levels). Farmers must commit tonnes prior to or at the time of delivery. A minimum of 20 tonnes may be offered.

Farmers can sign up by:

The CWB will mail a contract confirmation form shortly after sign up. Farmers are to insert this form in their delivery permit book. The EPO confirmation will include a contract number and committed tonnage.

Delivery and Settlement:
Farmers are responsible for delivering their committed tonnage under the EPO through regular delivery opportunities (acreage-based and contract calls). They will be subject to liquidated damages if they fail to meet the terms of their delivery contracts.

Farmers will receive the initial payment less freight and elevation from the grain company upon delivery. Once the CWB receives the delivery information, it will make an additional payment to the farmer. This amount will bring the total payment to 90 per cent of the CWB PRO at the time of sign up for the specific class of wheat delivered under the program less the discount.

The CWB will mail the payment within 15 days of receiving farmers´ delivery information. Farmers will also receive an incremental payment from the CWB to compensate for deliveries later in the crop year.

Farmers remain in the CWB pool account and are eligible for additional adjustment, interim and final payments once the payments exceed their early payment value.

The numbers in the following two examples are taken from the 2000-01 crop year and represent approximate prices that would have been available had the EPO been in place at that time for CWSWS.

Example #1
Early Payment Option
Pricing on August 15th, 2000
Delivery on August 20th, 2000
$/tonne $/bushel
Pool Return Outlook $157 $4.28
Early Payment Value (90%) $141.30 $3.85
Discount* ($4) ($.11)

Producer receives $137.30 $3.74
Average freight and elevation charges* ($45) ($1.23)
Net $92.30 $2.51
Initial received at delivery $64 $1.74
CWB sends the difference $28.30 $.77

On June 27th, 2001, the initial on CWSWS was raised to $150 per tonne. This is higher than the EPV so a payment of $8.70 would have been issued at that time.

Example #2
Early Payment Option
Pricing on November 25th, 2000
Delivery on December 29th, 2000
$/tonne $/bushel
Pool Return Outlook $168 $4.58
Early Payment Value (90%) $151.20 $4.12
Discount* ($4) ($.11)

Producer receives $147.20 $4.01
Incremental payment for later delivery* $.50 $.01
Average freight and elevation charges* ($45) ($1.23)
Net $102.70 $2.79
Initial received at delivery $77 $2.10
CWB sends the difference $25.70 $.69

As of June 27th, 2001, the initial on CWSWS is $150 per tonne. Therefore, no further payments would have been issued to date.
*These amounts have been estimated for the purposes of illustration. Actual amounts could have varied.

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