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Home > For Teachers > Grades 9-10 : Forgotten Heroes: Canada and the Korean War

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    Grades 9-10
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    Lesson Plan
    1. Before Exploring
    2. Outline the Opportunity
    3. Revisit and Reflect
    4. Extension

    CBC Archives Topic: Forgotten Heroes: Canada and the Korean War

    All activities on this topic

    Canada’s Full Duty

    Activity Overview

    English Language Arts

    Students will write an editorial to demonstrate agreement or disagreement with Canada’s role in supporting United Nations’ actions in Korea.

    1 to 2 lessons

    To analyze Canada’s role in supporting the United Nations’ actions in the Korean War

    CBC Archives Topic
    Forgotten Heroes: Canada and the Korean War

    1. Before Exploring

    Write the following quotation on the board or chart paper:

    “Canada will do as she has always done – her full duty” to help defend South Korea.
    -Canada’s Liberal Foreign Affairs Minister Lester B. Pearson, 1950

    Remind students that the UN was only five years old when this statement was made and that the Second World War was just recently over. Ask: What is Canada’s full duty to the UN? What is Canada’s full duty to the rest of the world? Has our duty changed over the last 50 years?

    2. Outline the Opportunity

    Direct students to the topic Forgotten Heroes: Canada and the Korean War on the CBC Radio and Television Archives Web site. Students will view Clips #1, 2, 3, 5, 10, and 11. As they explore the site, students will note Canada’s involvement in and contributions to the war in Korea.

    After reviewing the site, students will assume the role of an editorial writer for a major Canadian newspaper in the early 1950s. Assign half the class to write an editorial supporting Canada’s efforts while the other half writes to oppose the war effort.

    3. Revisit and Reflect

    Students should be sure to revise and edit so that their editorial is suitable for publication. Have students from both sides volunteer to share their finished editorials.

    4. Extension

    Students can use the arguments developed in their editorials as the basis of a formal debate on Canada’s involvement in the Korean War.


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