Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Aquatic Species at Risk

Potential Socio-economic Implications of Adding Porbeagle Shark to the List of Wildlife Species at Risk in the Species at Risk Act (SARA)

Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Policy and Economics Branch – Maritimes Region
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Consultations
1.3.1 Management scenarios  
1.3.2 Socio-economic analysis  
2 Overview of the Porbeagle Fishery
3 Socio-Economic Impacts of Management Scenarios
3.1 Scenario 1 – No Listing, Current Catch Limits
3.2 Scenario 2 – No Listing, Reduced Catch Limits
3.2.1 Economic Efficiency
3.2.2 Regional Economic Impacts
3.2.3 Distributional Impacts
3.3 Scenario 3 – Listing, No Harvest, Sales or Trade
3.3.1 Economic Efficiency
3.3.2 Regional Economic Impacts
3.3.3 Distributional Impacts
4 Summary
5 References Cited
6 Endnotes


Figure 1.   Management Scenario 1: Allocation of 250 mt TAC / No SARA Listing
Figure 2.   Management Scenario 2: Allocation of 185 mt TAC / No SARA Listing
Figure 3.   Management Scenario 3: Porbeagle Listed as Endanger ed / No Purchase, Sales or Trade
Figure 4.   Northwest Atlantic porbeagle shark landings by primary fishing nations
Figure 5.   Geographic distribution of Canadian porbeagle shark landings, 1995-2002
Figure 6.   Canadian porbeagle shark landing by NAFO Division, 1995-2002
Figure 7.   Gulf Region porbeagle shark landings and number of active vessels, 1995-2004
Figure 8.   Landings (kg) of all species by fishers holding exploratory shark licenses, 2003-04
Figure 9.   Value or all species landed by fishers holding exploratory shark licenses, 2003-04
Figure 10.   Number of exploratory shark license holders landing porbeagle shark


Table 1.   Maritimes porbeagle shark landings by license type, 2000-2004
Table 2.   Economic cost (NPV) of Scenario 2 for Maritimes exploratory shark license holders
Table 3.   Economic cost (NPV) of Scenario 3 for all exploratory shark license holders
Table 4 – Summary of Changes in Economic Cost as a Result of SARA Listing for Porbeagle
Table 5.   Dependency of Maritimes exploratory shark license holders on porbeagle
Table 6.   Summary of economic costs, regional impacts and distributional considerations for three management scenarios for porbeagle shark

