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Affirmation and recognition of those whose race, religion, nationality, values, beliefs, etc. are different from one's own.

Modifier 8 mars 2006
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The process whereby the culture, values and patterns of the majority are adopted by a person or an ethnic, social, religious, language or national group.  This process can sometimes also involve absorbing aspects of minority cultures into the majority culture's pattern.

Modifier 8 mars 2006
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Affirmative Action
A set of explicit actions or programs designed to increase participation at all levels of employment for and by individuals or groups preciously excluded from full participation.

Modifier 8 mars 2006
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A member of an oppressor group who works to end a form of oppression that gives her or him privileges. For example, a white person who works to end racism, or a man who works to end sexism.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Latent or overt hostility or hatred directed towards individual Jews or the Jewish people (not to all Semitic peoples), leading to social, economic, institutional, religious, cultural or political discrimination.  Antisemitism has also been expressed through individual acts of physical violence, vandalism, the organized destruction of entire communities and genocide.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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An Afrikaans word created to describe the South African system of institutionalized segregation to maintain white domination. From the 1960's to 1991, a plan of "Grand Apartheid" was implemented, emphasizing territorial separation and police repression. The official state policy separated black and white South Africans to oppress, dominate and control blacks, while enriching whites at the expense of the oppressed peoples. Only the so-called "white" citizens of South Africa were allowed to vote and participate in government, and to enjoy many other privileges.
Modifier 8 mars 2006
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The full adoption by an individual or group of the culture, values and patterns of a different social, religious, linguistic or national group, resulting in the elimination of attitudinal and behavioural affiliations from the original cultural group.  Can be voluntary or forced.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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The state of mind which makes us act in certain ways about social events or objects; a consistent pattern of thoughts, beliefs, emotions and reactions.

Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Aboriginal Peoples
The descendants of the original inhabitants of North America. Term used to collectively describe three cultural groups of aboriginal people - "Inuit", "Métis People" and "First Nations".  These are three separate peoples with unique heritages, languages, cultural practices, and spiritual beliefs, histories and political goals. (AFN)
Modifier 8 mars 2006
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