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Blacks/African Canadians
People of African descent and those who define themselves as such.
Modifier 8 mars 2006
Traduire en français

The act of implementing a policy or program designed to suppress, either in whole or in part, the production of or access to information, sources, literature, the performing arts, letters, documents or ideologies which are considered unacceptable or dangerous for political, moral or religious reasons.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Usually refers to the period of European colonization from Columbus (1492) onwards, in the Americas, Asia and Africa, and taking on different forms from settler colonies like Canada to non-settler colonies such as India during British rule. Colonialism differs also across colonizing nations and across time. For example, French colonialism had different policies from British, while modern colonialism is often seen as part of "globalization", which includes the exploitation of labour and national resources by transnational corporations and the expansion of free trade agreements and blocs.
Modifier 8 mars 2006
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Intercultural Communication
Information exchange where the sender and receiver are of different cultural, ethnic or linguistic backgrounds.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Primarily an informal communications process aimed at getting the parties to establish meaningful dialogue, combat rumours and suggest cooperative ways of solving conflict.  The goal of conciliation and/or mediation (see below) is to settle racial or ethnical disputes peacefully and outside the courts.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Melting Pot
Term usually used to refer to the American monocultural society in which there is a conscious attempt to assimilate diverse peoples into a homogeneous culture, rather than to integrate as equals in the society while maintaining various cultural or ethnic identities.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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A professed system and confession of faith, including both beliefs and observances or worship. A belief in a god or gods or a single supreme being or deity is not a requisite.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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The mix of ideas, beliefs, values, behavioural norms, knowledge and traditions of a group of individuals who share a historical, geographic, religious, racial, linguistic, ethnic or social context, and who transmit, reinforce and modify those ideas and beliefs, passing them on from one generation to another.  A culture is the total of everything an individual learns by being immersed in a particular context.  It results in a set of expectations for appropriate behaviour in seemingly similar contexts.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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