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Persistent, on-going communication (in any form) of negative attitudes, beliefs or actions towards an individual or group, with the intention of placing that person(s) in a disparaging role. Harassment is manifested in name calling, jokes or slurs, graffiti, insults, threats, discourteous treatment, and written or physical abuse.  Harassment may be subtle or overt.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Croyance en la naturalité et la supériorité du rapport homme-femme sur tout autre modèle de relation humaine. De façon générale, l?hétérosexisme autorise et encourage la discrimination envers les lesbiennes et de tout autre groupe social se situant hors de la norme hétérosexuelle.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Widespread destruction and loss of life, especially by fire.  The term (with a capital ?H?) specifically refers to the murder of over six million Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators during World War II.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Disparaging or hostile attitude or negative bias towards gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender person(s). The fear and persecution of queer people, rooted in a desire to maintain the heterosexual social order.

Modifier 7 mars 2005
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