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Inclusive Language
The deliberate selection of vocabulary that avoids accidental or implicit exclusion of particular groups and that avoids the use of false generic terms, usually with reference to gender.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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An acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (Transexual) and Intersexed people.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Indian Act
Introduced shortly after confederation, The Indian Act was an amalgamation of pre-confederation colonial legislation that had been updated to meet the needs of the emerging Canadian state to expand and allow European settlement of the west and other regions. This Canadian legislation governs the federal government's legal and political relationship with Aboriginal Peoples across Canada. It has been amended many times. In the late 1800s and the first few decades of the 1900s, it was continually revamped to make it more repressive, thus furthering the Canadian state's goals of assimilation. Since 1945, some of its more draconian elements have been removed to comply with the international human rights law regarding civil and political rights, including opposition to genocide.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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An active and consistent process of change to eliminate individual, institutional and systemic racism as well as the oppression and injustice racism causes.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Strategies, theories and actions that challenge socially and historically built inequalities and injustices that are ingrained in our systems and institutions by policies and practices that allow certain groups to dominate over other groups.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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