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Anti-Racist Education
A perspective that permeates all subject areas and school practices, aimed at the eradication of racism in all its various forms. Anti-racist education can also be taught/learned in informal and non-formal educational settings.
Modifier 10 août 2005
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Multicultural/Multiracial Education
A broad term which may refer to a set of structured learning activities and curricula designed to create and enhance understanding of and respect for cultural diversity.  The term often connotes inclusion of racial, ethnic, religious, linguistic, national, international and political diversity, and is also inclusive of the culture, heritage, history, beliefs and values of the various peoples people within a pluralistic society.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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The process of leaving one?s home or country in order to settle in another home, place or country, for personal, economic, political, religious or social reasons.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Employment Equity
A program designed to remove barriers to equality in employment by identifying and eliminating discriminatory policies and practices, remedying the effects of past discrimination, and ensuring appropriate representation of the designated groups.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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To keep a person(s) in a state of bondage and reducing them to slavery.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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The multiplicity of beliefs, behaviours and traditions held in common by a group of people bound by particular linguistic, historical, geographical, religious and/or racial homogeneity.  Ethnic diversity is the variation of such groups and the presence of a number of ethnic groups within one society or nation.  The word ?ethnic? is often used to denote non-dominant or less powerful cultural identities in Canada.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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The tendency to view others using one?s own group and customs as the standard for judgement, and the tendency to see one?s group and customs as the best.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Presupposes the supremacy of Europe and Europeans in world culture, and relates history according to a European perception and experience.
Modifier 7 mars 2005
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Bona Fide Occupational Requirement
A workplace requirement that is directly related to a person's ability to perform a specific job.
Modifier 8 mars 2006
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