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Canada Marketing

Gisèle Danis, Executive Director, Brand Integration
e-mail: danis.gisele@ctc-cct.ca
Tel. 604-638-8389

Charles Bolduc, Marketing Officer, Canada Program
e-mail: bolduc.charles@ctc-cct.ca
Tel. 604-638-8367

What we do

Our main goal is changing Canadians’ travel habits and motivating them to explore at home. Our team works on reversing outbound tourism; specifically, we target globetrotting Canadians who travel internationally.

Market summary

  • Domestic tourism reaped $25.6 billion in revenue in 2005.
  • 38 percent of Canadians vacationing outside their province travelled to the U.S.
  • 36 percent took summertime trips; 23 percent in fall; 22 percent in spring.
  • Of inter-provincial travel, 36 percent were visiting friends and relatives; 34 percent were on holiday.
  • On average, Canadians spent $627 per trip.
  • Who took the largest share of inter-provincial trips? The Gen-X and Boomer groups: travellers 35 to 44 years old and 45 to 54 year olds, each 17 percent


Taking pride in Canada–our rich, diverse, colourful country–is at the heart of our Canada program. We show Canadians that Canada can provide many more exotic experiences than they ever imagined. We use PRIZM, an Environics Research tool, to reach out to travellers with a relevant message and an offer that appeals to our target market. PRIZM results reveal how the consumer uses his free time and describes his social values.

The main kinds of "explorers" that we speak to are:

  • Those seeking authentic experiences.
  • Cultural history buffs.

These two types of explorers represent 18 percent of the Canadian market. They show a marked inclination to travel, particularly internationally.

Our research focuses on understanding the travel motivations within certain market niches: spas, gay, cultural communities and ski. Researching and understanding these markets helps us to lay the groundwork for strategic development.

CTC Road Show

Canada Marketing Committee

