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U.S. Leisure Sales

Susan Iris, Vice-President U.S. Sales
e-mail: iris.susan@ctc-cct.ca
Tel: 703-875-3956

Tom Karins, Executive Director Leisure Travel Sales
e-mail: karins.tom@ctc-cct.ca
Tel: 312-327-3651

In-market website


Market Snapshot

Quarterly Market Report

Trade Development


  • Consortia “Preferred destination” agreements
  • Canada Specialist Program 
  • Familiarization tours
  • Site inspections
  • Training seminars
  • Trade shows 


  • Support Tour and Wholesale programs by linking to the retail consortia program
  • “Fam” and site inspection support
  • Staff training
  • Trade and consumer event support
  • Support attendance at Rendez-vous Canada marketplace

Media relations

By capturing free editorial in U.S. print and electronic media, our team aims to present Canada as a fresh and sparkling destination–a Canada full of compelling experiences. Our aim is to create a buzz and make Canada a “bragging rights” destination with our target audience. Our Canadian partners are crucial to our success in the U.S. market. 

Some things we do

1. Canada Media Marketplace, an annual three-day meeting alternating between New York and Los Angeles. For the marketplace, we have more than 100 Canadian destination-partners. About 200 U.S. media attend for business appointments, professional development and hospitality events.

2. Canada’s Northern Lights Awards, a journalism awards program judged by Carleton University, to encourage quality coverage on Canada in print, photography and in online publications.

3. Exciting “out-of-the-box” press trips to various destinations.

4. Assist more than 400 individual media visits to Canada each year.

5. We host, with our Canadian partners, a series of media luncheons and dinners in major U.S. media centres to present intriguing story opportunities in an informal setting.

6. One-on-one meetings with media influencers on an ongoing basis.

Committee Members

