Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Fun Zone

Activity Two – Blue Whale

How big is a blue whale?

What you will need:

  • One 30 m length of rope or string
  • A measuring tape
  • 8 different colour markers or 8 paper tags that can be attached to the rope
  • A roll of brown paper
  • Pencils
  • Whale ID Fact Sheets or use the web site: wwww????

Let's get started!

You will need a lot of space for this activity, preferably an outdoor space, the school gymnasium, or even a long hallway.

  1. Use the measuring tape to measure the lengths of each whale on the rope as stated on the Whale ID fact sheet
  2. Mark the lengths on the rope or string using a different colored marker or tag to indicate the length of each whale
  3. Make a paper key to go with the rope that lists each of the whales, the colour or tag associated with them, and the length of the whale
  4. Find other objects in the school to measure and compare to the size of the whales.  Add them to the rope and to the paper key.
  5. Share the project with other classes.
  6. Have two students unroll the whale rope, stopping at each marker. Have other students guess what whale is as long as the unrolled rope at each marker.

Talk about it!

  1. What is good about being big?
  2. What is good about being small?
  3. What are the challenges of being big?
  4. What are the challenges of being small?
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Last updated : 2007-06-12

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