Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Fun Zone

Activity Two – Leatherback Turtles

Protecting Leatherback Turtles from Balloons


  • Plastic grocery bags
  • Balloons filled with air and tied with ribbons or strings
  • Pictures of jelly fish
  • Rubbermaid container, aquarium or sink filled with water

Let's get started!

Part One:

Investigate the fact sheet and other information to determine what leatherback turtles eat and how they are adapted to eat their prey.

Find a picture of jellyfish or draw a picture of one. As a class or in a group answer the following questions:

  • Has anyone seen a jellyfish in real life or felt one?
  • How do jellyfish swim?
  • Where do jellyfish live?
  • How many jellyfish does an adult leatherback eat each day?

Part Two:

Fill your balloons with air and tie two or three together with ribbon like you would for a balloon bouquet at a birthday party.

Now, pop or deflate the balloons with a pin or pencil. Put the balloons in the water container. Look at the balloons floating in the water.

  • What do the deflated balloons look like?
  • What do you think a leatherback turtle would think the balloons look like?
  • What could happen if leatherbacks ate a balloon?

Next, take a crumpled grocery bag and place it in the water.

  • What happens?
  • What does the grocery bag look like?
  • What could a leatherback turtle do if it saw a grocery bag floating in the water?
  • What could happen if a leatherback turtle swallowed a grocery bag?

Talk about it!

  1. How can a balloon end up in the ocean?
  2. How far could helium balloons travel?
  3. How do grocery bags end up in the ocean?
  4. What adaptations do leatherback turtles have that could make balloons and grocery bags dangerous to them?
  5. What can happen to a leatherback turtle if it eats a balloon or a grocery bag?
  6. What can we do to protect leatherback turtles?
  7. How can we make sure balloons don't end up in the ocean?
  8. How can we keep grocery store bags out of the ocean?
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Last updated : 2007-06-12

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