Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Fun Zone

Atlantic White-sided Dolphin ID Fact Sheet

Atlantic White-sided Dolphin

Name: Atlantic White-sided Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus)

Local Names: Jumper, Squid Hound, White Sides

SARA Status: Not Listed

Size: Adults are 1.8-2.4 metres long and weigh 160-200 kg

Diet: Herring, squid, capelin, and other fish

Atlantic White-sided Dolphin tooth, Dolphin beak, Porpoise beak

When you might see it: year-round.

Where you might see it: throughout the region, with many seen in the southern parts of the island. They seem to prefer areas of sea floor relief and the edges of the continental shelf; in cool temperate and sub-arctic water.

Notes: This dolphin has a tendency to breach and may ride the waves caused by the bow of a boat and large whales. They are social and can be seen in groups of 5 to 50. They are known to strand in groups.

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Last updated : 2007-06-12

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