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Lesson Plan  Three - Leatherback Turtle

Lesson Plan Three – Leatherback Turtle

Activity 1: Researching the species – Leatherback turtle

Curriculum Connections

Science: Grades 4-6

  • Describe leatherback turtles
  • Discuss how leatherbacks are adapted to their environment
  • Explain why leatherbacks are at risk
  • Describe what is being done to help protect leatherbacks
  • Express concern for how human activities can impact leatherback survival
  • Relate habitat loss to the endangerment of animals
  • Identify examples of positive and negative effects of technological developments on natural habitats

Language Arts: Grade 4-6

  • Select and use print and non-print sources appropriate to their learning need and interests
  • Use research strategies to answer research questions
  • Choose writing forms and styles that match the writing purpose and the reader for whom the text is intended


Students will learn about leatherback turtles their habitat, food, and why they are considered at risk through independent research.


  • Reference materials from the Species at Risk Education Kit
  • Library Books
  • Access to the Internet

Let's get started!

Using the Leatherback Turtle Fact Sheet provided in this kit (teachers may photocopy this fact sheet as many times as required); the Internet and other resources. Encourage students to learn as much as they can about leatherback turtles. Students should create a report, an educational poster, or another way to share what they have learned with others.

Talk about it! Adapt these questions to further your discussion.

  1. Why are they called leatherback turtles?
  2. Where do leatherback turtles live?
  3. What do leatherback turtles eat?
  4. Why are leatherback turtles at risk?
  5. What can we do to protect leatherback turtles?
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Last updated : 2007-06-12

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