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Home > Markets > Asia/Pacific > Marketing/Japan


Market snapshot

Quarterly marketing intelligence report

Market at a glance

  • Asia’s largest economy and the 2nd-largest economy in the world.
  • Improved economic climate – maintain 2 percent to 3.2 percent GDP growth until 2008.
  • In 2005, the unemployment rate was 4.4 percent, has been on a steady decline since 2002.
  • Large population base that is aging.
  • Approximately 8.3M long-haul outbound travellers.
  • Travel to Canada posted a 1.8 percent growth rate in 2005.
  • Shift in travel patterns: More fully-independent travellers.
  • Air capacity (up 8 percent in 2005, down 11 percent in 2006).
  • Ranked No. 2 in overseas market portfolio analysis.

Visitor Characteristics – Canada

  • $559M in receipts (2005 estimate).
  • 398,000 overnight trips to Canada (2005 estimate).
  • Average spend: $1,415 per person per trip (2004 actual).
  • Average stay: 12.1 nights (2004 actual).
  • Pleasure travel gains in the fall and spring.
  • Younger travellers attracted to Canada.

Trade Shows

JATA congress & World Travel Fair
PATA Travel Mart 2007, Bali
Kanata 2007
