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Marketing/South Korea

Market snapshot

Quarterly marketing intelligence report

Market at a glance

  • Economy has recovered and is the 4th-largest in Asia.
  • Consumer consumption rate is expected to boom in 2006 to 2008.
  • The population is aging, over-45 sector is expected to increase.
  • Korea’s total outbound travel reached a new high of 10M visitors in 2005.
  • Approximately 2M long-haul outbound travellers (2005).
  • Travel to Canada reached a record high in 2005.
  • Canada’s market share is 8.6 percent, up 0.1 percentage point from 1999.
  • Air capacity is up 7.2 percent in 2005; up 1.5 percent in 2006.
  • Ranked No. 5 by 2005 overseas market portfolio analysis.

Visitor Characteristics - Canada

  • $238M in receipts (2005 estimate).
  • 173,000 overnight trips to Canada (2005 estimate).
  • Average spend: $1,414 per person trip (2004 actual).
  • Average stay: 23.7 nights – inflated by visiting friends and relatives and students on long-stay programs (2004 actual).
  • Strong seasonal pull in the summer; large increase in the winter.

Trade Shows

Korea World Travel Fair (KOTFA) 2007
Showcase Canada


