Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Success Stories

The 16 federal departments and agencies that are FPTT Partners span the full spectrum of federal science and technology activities, from human health and natural resources to communications and space. Each partner is a separate entity, with a unique mandate as well as different demands upon its resources and, in many cases, regulatory-related or public responsibilities.

Every step of the process that determines the success of a federally-funded project's or service's journey from the laboratory to the public arena or to another corner of government requires deliberate attention to detail and an array of intellectual and physical resources.

We are pleased to highlight our Partners' success stories:

"... Ingenuity has always been crucial to human progress. It brought us the printing press, the steam engine, electricity and the Internet. Each of these inventions forever altered the way we live our lives and the way we relate to each other. Canadian ingenuity has contributed to the world's innovations - the telephone, insulin, the pacemaker, the Canadarm, the BlackBerryTM. Every day, dramatic advances in medical research, telecommunications and science are changing the world in which Canada must compete."

- Canada's Innovation Strategy