Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Aquaculture Management

Fisheries & Aquaculture Management - Reports and Publications
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Proposed Amendments to Section 32 and 33 of the Marine Mammal Regulations

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans is proposing amendments be made to Sections 32 and 33 of the Marine Mammal Regulations. These amendments are intended to come into effect for the 2008 seal harvest.

Amendments to Section 32 will clarify that the criteria set out in subsection (2) are not exhaustive and that the Minister may take into account other relevant considerations when determining whether the issuance of a seal fishery observation licence will cause disruption to a seal fishery. The amendments will also ensure that the Minister takes into account whether an applicant for a licence has been convicted of a violation of a seal fishery observation licence condition within the preceding five years.

An additional Section 32 amendment is required to take into account changing harvesting activities in response to changing ice conditions. We propose that the text “on the ice” be removed in order to properly manage the fishery.

A Section 33 amendment is required to clarify that the purpose of the exception in paragraph 33(2)(e) of the current Regulations is to exclude people who live in a house or similar land-based residence that happens to be within a half nautical mile of a sealing activity. This is consistent with a recent decision of the Prince Edward Island Supreme Court Trial Division in the case of R. v. Watson (affirmed on other grounds, P.E.I.C.A., August 24, 2007).

Please send your comments regarding the aforementioned proposed regulatory amendments to


    Last updated : 2007-08-31

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