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Environmental Protection Program

Environment protectionA key element in meeting AECL’s Environment Policy is through implementation of AECL’s Environmental Protection Program, which is based on one of the most widely accepted standards for environmental management systems (EMS), the ISO-14001 Standard.

The Environmental Protection Program is recognized, by AECL, as a key enabling business process, one of a number of company-wide “Compliance Programs”, and is the company’s system for developing, implementing and continually improving environmental management.

The program encompasses all AECL sites, and activities at those sites, within Canada. In 2004, AECL successfully obtained registration to the ISO-14001 Standard at its Chalk River Laboratories, and is currently working to complete the implementation of the standard at its other sites in Canada. 

Overall accountability for environmental protection within AECL starts with the Board of Directors and cascades down through line management to all employees by way of our Corporate Vision, the Environment Policy, the AECL Management Manuals, and the Environmental Protection Program. Among other responsibilities, the Environmental Protection Program develops and maintains Environmental Training Programs, the Environmental Plan and Environmental Monitoring Programs. Twice a year, a sub-committee of the Board of Directors receives and reviews management reports on environmental performance and the implementation of the Environment Policy. AECL has a proud and positive record for environmental protection as detailed in our AECL Annual Environmental Performance Report, and is committed to developing and maintaining solid, long-term relationships with all its stakeholders, and sustaining an open, transparent relationship with the public.

At the same time, AECL recognizes the critical role of transparency in establishing the credibility of its environmental performance. Tools such as the Chalk River Environmental Protection Program Index are used to track and demonstrate performance against environmental objectives and targets. In 2004, the Index showed an overall environmental program performance improvement of 4%

Overall, AECL’s environmental performance has been steadily improving. This is documented in the company’s annual Environmental Performance Report, which summarizes the combined environmental performance of AECL sites in Canada.

Equally important is the environmental performance of AECL’s CANDU reactors around the world. The release of very small amounts of radioactive material into the environment is an inevitable consequence of nuclear power production. Even though these emissions are well within safe limits, AECL’s continuing program of research and design improvements ensures that emissions from the new generation of CANDU reactors will be even lower than those operating today.

Another important challenge is the management and disposal of radioactive waste. The volumes of radioactive waste generated by CANDU plants are extremely small compared to the amount of energy generated. The storage of used fuel is a proven and safe technology, and the development of long term waste management options such as a geological repository, while not needed in the short term, is continuing to progress through ongoing engineering studies and the public consultation efforts of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization.
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Radiological Environmental Survey Outside the CRL Site

In September 2005, AECL gave Laval University a mandate to execute a radiological environmental survey outside the CRL site. Read More