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New Brunswick Accepts Team CANDU ACR-1000 Feasibility Study Proposal - 44 min

Team CANDU® New Brunswick announced during an August 1, 2007 news conference that the Government of New Brunswick has accepted its proposal to conduct a feasibility study for the construction of a Generation III+ Advanced CANDU Reactor®.  View the news conference here

Celebrating Our Core Innovations - 5:32 min

AECL's newly launched corporate video highlights its more than 50 years of significant achievements and innovations to Canadian science and technology. Through the groundbreaking work of several thousand engineers, technicians and top Canadian scientists, this video profiles AECL’s core contributions to the nuclear energy field and how it contributes to a better quality of life in Canada and around the world.  View it here

Medicine for an Ailing Planet - 15 min

Video message by Professor James Lovelock, Environmentalist at the Canadian Nuclear Association's 2005 Annual Seminar.  Click here

Nuclear Energy - Take the Power Ride! - 14 min

Would you like to know where electricity comes from? Let Stephanie answer some of your questions on electricity generation and nuclear technology. Teachers - If you would like a free copy of this video on DVD for your class, please send an email or call Corporate Communications at (905) 823-9040, ext. 7439. The video is recommended for grades 7 - 10.  Click here

Nuclear Medicine, a healthy legacy - 9 min

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A video about nuclear medicine was produced in consultation and cooperation with the London Regional Cancer Centre. AECL’s Public Outreach is working with the health care community to provide information to patients, staff and the general public on the uses of radiation in nuclear medicine.

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