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Grants for Media Arts Dissemination: Annual Assistance for Programming


1 May 

If this date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day. Your completed application and all support material must be postmarked on or before the deadline date.

The Canada Council will not accept applications postmarked after the deadline, incomplete applications, or those submitted by fax or email.

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Program Description

This program supports work undertaken by Canadian arts organizations to present to the public innovative Canadian independent media artworks from various regions and cultural communities and that highlight a diversity of voices and visions. The objective of this support is to develop increasingly knowledgeable and committed audiences as well as to advance the development, understanding and appreciation of the media arts. Annual Assistance for Programming is directed to Canadian non-profit artist-run organizations that present Canadian independent media artworks to the public through an annual, ongoing program.

The Canada Council for the Arts defines the media arts as works in film, video, audio and new media. Independent productions are those over which the artist maintains final creative and editorial control.

The Canada Council gives priority to the presentation of works that are innovative in the themes and subjects they address, the point of view they express and the aesthetic strategies they employ.

In keeping with the strategic priorities identified by the Canada Council for the Arts, special consideration will be given to projects that:

  • present the works of Aboriginal artists;
  • present the works of culturally diverse artists;
  • raise the profile of independent Canadian artworks;
  • reach diverse audiences, including young audiences.
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To be eligible for annual funding, organizations must have been in operation for at least two years, be directed by a board of practising media artists, have an established administrative structure and be legally constituted as a Canadian, non-profit organization.

Organizations must demonstrate a serious, ongoing commitment to the presentation of Canadian independent media artworks as one of their primary activities.

Organizations must present a minimum of six public presentations of Canadian independent media artworks per year. These presentations must be spread over a minimum of six months. Any international public presentations of Canadian independent media artworks must be co-curated with a host organization abroad, and the costs must be shared with the host organization.

Eligible public presentations include exhibitions, screenings, installations, performances and telecommunications events. Organizations may include webcasts and television or radio broadcasts of existing media artworks as part of their annual programming.

Organizations must pay artists' fees and/or distributor rental fees and honoraria for the Canadian, independent media artworks presented. At the time of application, organizations are required to submit a list including the name of the artist and/or distributor, the date and the amount of payment for each Canadian, independent media artwork presented in the previous year. We also reserve the right to request cancelled cheques or other proof of the payment of artists' and/or distributor rental fees.

Organizations must demonstrate sound financial management through their financial reports and budget forecasts.

All Canada Council programs are accessible to Aboriginal arts organizations and arts organizations of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.


Public institutions, such as art museums, public galleries and cinematheques, are not eligible to apply to this program.

Organizations that carry out activities in addition to programming must use any grants received through this program only for programming activities.

Organizations may not apply to this program for support of programming that appears in any other request to the Canada Council for the Arts.

Media arts distribution organizations may not apply to this program for funding to launch new acquisitions or to present works primarily from their collection. These activities should be incorporated into a request for Annual Assistance to Distribution Organizations, also administered by the Media Arts Section.

Media arts production organizations are restricted from applying to this program for presentations/exhibitions consisting primarily of members’ work.

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Grant Amount

There are no minimum or maximum grants that may be requested or received. Applicants may receive less than the full amount requested.

These grants provide a contribution only to the Canadian independent media arts component of an organization’s programming.

Eligible costs include:

  • programmers’ and curators’ fees, and their research and travel costs;
  • payments to artists, including artists’ fees, distributor rental fees and honoraria;
  • artists’ travel costs;
  • rental of presentation equipment and facilities;
  • shipping costs for media artworks;
  • technical costs, including technicians’ or projectionists’ fees, and installation costs;
  • costs of writing and publishing interpretive documents (including catalogues and programs);
  • publicity and promotional costs, including those for production of marketing/promotional tools, media relations and advertising;
  • costs of audience development and educational initiatives, including outreach activities, panel discussions and artists’ talks.

Costs associated with the presentation of non-Canadian or non-independent media artworks or artworks in other disciplines (such as dance, theatre and music) are not eligible. The following are also not covered by these grants: equipment purchase costs; capital costs; costs associated with production workshops, technical workshops or artists’ residencies; and costs associated with the production or commissioning of artworks.

Costs associated with touring or circulation activities and/or presentations outside the applicant’s home city are not eligible under this program. Such activities may, however, be covered through the Media Arts Dissemination Project Grants program.

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Assessment of Applications

Assessment Process

All applications for annual assistance are reviewed for eligibility by Media Arts Section Officers. A peer assessment committee then makes a comparative evaluation of all eligible applications. Based on the committee’s recommendations, the Media Arts Section prepares grant recommendations, which it presents to the Canada Council for the Arts Board.

The peer assessment committee reserves the right to recommend grants for organizations not receiving annual assistance at present; to recommend an increase or decrease in existing grant levels for organizations currently receiving annual assistance; or to recommend that assistance to organizations be phased out.

The committee is made up of media art professionals. Members are selected to provide fair representation of gender, Canada’s official languages, Aboriginal peoples, and regional and cultural diversity. Organizations are invited to submit the names of peers to serve on peer assessment committees. All names submitted are subject to review by the Canada Council’s Media Arts Advisory Committee.

Applicants will be notified of the results, by letter, within four months of the deadline. Results are not released over the telephone.

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Other Programs of Support

Through its Dissemination Project Grants program, the Media Arts Section provides support for circulation, publication (excluding catalogues), audience development and market development projects. Please contact Kelly Langgard, as indicated below, for more information on this program.

The Media Arts Commissioning Program provides funding for organizations to commission independent media artworks by Canadian artists. Works must be intended for presentation to local, national or international audiences. Contact Kelly Langgard, as indicated below, for more information on this program.

Through the Audience and Market Development Office, the Canada Council offers travel assistance to presenters, programmers, curators, distributors, gallery directors, artist-run centres, artists’ associations and arts organizations, to increase dissemination opportunities for Canadian artworks. For information on Audience and Market Development Travel Assistance, contact Sandra Bender, Market Development Coordinator, ext. 5272.

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Application Form

Annual Assistance for Programming (pdf, 95 KB)
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further Information

Michèle Stanley
Media Arts Section
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON  K1P 5V8

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or  613-566-4414, ext. 5251  

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers : 613-565-5194

Fax: 613-566-4409

October 2005