Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Success Stories

An Artist’s Inspiration

Russian immigrant named Guennadi Artists find inspiration in many different sources. For a Russian immigrant named Guennadi, it is the Canadian landscape that provides inspiration for his art.

It was an educational opportunity for their daughter that brought Guennadi and his wife here in May of 2003, helping her to fulfill a dream of studying abroad. They settled in the Niagara Escarpment town of Dundas, Ontario, and Guennadi opened a studio in Greensville near Dundas.

“We wanted to be with our daughter, who has found great success as a student at McMaster University in Hamilton,” says Guennadi. “She has become a teaching assistant and works part-time — we are so pleased with her happiness. It was easier for her as a young person, but we both have found new lives here too.”

When he left Russia, Guennadi left his entire collection of artwork behind. Donating it to museums, galleries and friends, Guennadi arrived in Canada with only his talent and experience as a teacher, designer and restorer.

Since arriving in Canada, Guennadi has been busy establishing himself as an artist through design and restoration work, as well as teaching a restoration master class at McMaster. One would think this leaves little time for creating his own art, but Guennadi has been able to build an impressive body of work.

“Canada has beautiful landscapes, and the rich beauty of nature in the Escarpment never fails to inspire me,” he says. “I do not think others around the world have a full appreciation of the natural beauty here. I hope my art will help them understand Canada is a special place.”

Recently his paintings have begun to sell, and he’s found support from the Immigrant Culture and Art Association (ICAA) of Hamilton and a local art show that featured immigrant artists.

“My wife was the biggest support of all,” he says. “It was her job that helped us get going until I could make a new name for myself. When people tell me it is hard to be an artist in Canada, I tell them it is harder elsewhere. We are lucky to be here.”

When it comes to Guennadi’s art, inspiration is a two-way street. The beauty of the country inspires his art, and he reflects that inspiration in his enthusiasm for his new country. Through his GK Studio and restoration work, Guennadi hopes to continue his recent success.