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  • What is a good sitting position for working at my desk?
  • How can I keep from injuring my back while lifting?
  • What are some stretches I can do at my workstation?

  • Health and Safety Hazards

  • How do I know if there is poor indoor air quality in my workplace?
  • What information is available in my workplace to help me work safely with chemicals?
  • I travel a lot for work. How can I stay safe?
  • What should I know about sleepiness or fatigue when driving?
  • Can workplace chemicals or materials be carried home on clothes?
  • What is heat stress?
  • How can shift work affect my health?
  • Why is it important to wash our hands?

  • Healthy Living and Wellness

  • How can my job affect my health?
  • I'd like to have more wellness programs where I work. How do I get started?
  • What are some tips for a person who teleworks or works at home?
  • What is an employee assistance program (EAP) and what happens when I call?
  • What are some active living and physical fitness strategies in the workplace?
  • What is work-life balance?
  • Why should a workplace think about aging workers?
  • What is workplace stress and what can be done about it?

  • Workers’ Rights & Responsibilities

  • Can I refuse dangerous work?
  • I think my employer is breaking safety laws at work. What can I do?
  • I'm young or new at my job. What are some things I should know to protect my health and work safely?
  • What rights and duties do I have under occupational health and safety laws in Canada?

  • Workplace Conditions

  • How do I know if there is poor indoor air quality in my workplace?
  • What is workplace bullying?
  • What temperature should my office be?
  • What is workplace harassment?
  • What is meant by “working alone”?
  • How can scents affect my health in the workplace?
  • What is workplace violence?
  • What is health promotion in the workplace?
  • What is conflict resolution?
  • What can a workplace do to address substance abuse issues?
  • What are the common causes of car accidents involving young drivers?

    If you can't find the information you are looking for, Ask your question here.

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