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Policy for Established Multidisciplinary Artists

Effective 1 April 2000

An established professional artist who works in more than one discipline, and meets the eligibility criteria as an established artist in both disciplines, may apply to two different Grants to Professional Artists programs (for creation) per fiscal year (1 April to 31 March). The artist must, however, accept or refuse the first grant offered by the Canada Council within two weeks of the date of the grant notification. If the first grant offered is accepted, the artist’s other application will be withdrawn from any subsequent competition in that fiscal year.

The criteria for the status of established artists is determined by each disciplinary section. Generally, an established artist is someone who is recognized as such by his or her peers, has made a sustained and progressive contribution to the discipline, is nationally or internationally recognized, and is still active in the profession.

The Canada Council for the Arts
1 April 2000