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     Global Partnerships

In keeping with our concern for world-wide Occupational Health and Safety, CCOHS enters global partnerships with both Canadian and international agencies.

These partnerships allow us to provide Canadians with information from international sources and to share our own knowledge and expertise in return.

The following examples represent some of the projects and agencies we are involved with.

North American Occupational Health and Safety (NAOSH) Week
The three countries, the United States, Canada and Mexico, that signed the North American Agreement on Labour Co-operation (NAALC)-an agreement that complements the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)-decided to organize the North American Occupational Safety and Health Week to make their respective populations aware of the importance of preventing industrial accidents and occupational illnesses. In partnership with Human Resources Development Canada and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineers, CCOHS developed the web site and support materials for the 1998, 1999 and 2000 North American Occupational Safety & Health (NAOSH) week campaigns. In 1999 more than 10,000 distinct computer hosts downloaded more than 68,000 pages of information from this web site.

Safe Communities Foundation
CCOHS and Safe Communities Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding to be a Partner in Community Safety, encouraging and supporting community-based safety programs across Canada. The Safe Communities concept provides an innovative, flexible and effective approach to identifying potential risks and eliminating injuries at home, work and play, and the Foundation works towards a vision of Canada becoming the safest country in the world. CCOHS and the Foundation will work to provide advice and resources appropriate to the needs of communities, and actively promote each other's range of services and resources.

BC Workplace Safety & Hygiene Legislation Plus Standards
CCOHS produced a CD-ROM containing new British Columbia OSH regulations, legislation and referenced standards to provide labour officers, employers and workers in BC with an efficient means to familiarize themselves with the new rules and guidelines. The CD-ROM contains the Workers Compensation Act and regulations, including the new OSH regulation and all BC and Canada (federal) acts and regulations cited in the new OSH Regulation. It l also incorporates referenced standards from the WCB of BC, Canadian Standards Association, Canadian General Standards Board and WCB of BC Engineering Updates and Technical Commentaries.

Ontario Minerva Project
CCOHS supports the education of university students about occupational health and safety by participating and assisting the Minerva Canada board of directors, national, and regional committees, to organize and raise project funds for the creation of university education resources. Specifically the funds will be used to create occupational health and safety case studies, workshops and educational opportunities that will be used in Canadian universities‚ business and engineering undergraduate faculties to teach students to advance the integration of health and safety management in Canadian workplaces.

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
The Centre produced a CD-ROM version of the acclaimed ACGIH publication, Industrial Ventilation Manual. Featuring all the benefits of web technology with the reliability of CD-ROM access, the Industrial Ventilation Manual provides research data and information on the design, maintenance, and evaluation of industrial exhaust ventilation systems.

This collaborative project between CCOHS and the World Health Organization is an integrated operational system, consisting of a CD-ROM and software, used at Poison Centres around the world to manage vital information. CCOHS continues to add information documents to the CD-ROM. UK Poison Information Documents have been provided for inclusion by the UK National Poisons Information Services. The software, IPCS INTOX Version IV, includes advanced features and capabilities important to Poison Centres while a new component, the Product Writer, enables users to create their own database registry of products.

This database, updated and issued semi-annually by CCOHS, consolidates information essential for the sound management of chemicals affecting the environment and human health. It compiles documents and databases from the World Health Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), the International Labour Organisation, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. CCOHS also designed and developed a web site where prospective users may preview the list of documents contained on the CD-ROM prior to making a purchase decision. Full access to documents on the web site is available by subscription. Among new document collections added is the Concise International Chemical Assessment Documents prepared by an international group of experts from the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation, and the World Health Organization.

Influencing Attitudes Towards Workplace Illnesses and Injuries
CCOHS undertook a study on behalf of the Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada, courtesy of the New Brunswick Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission. The objective of the study was to evaluate the various methodologies used to successfully change social attitudes toward workplace illnesses and injuries. In addition, a selection will be made among a variety of methods to develop ways and means of making harmful events such as accidents and injuries unacceptable by society in general, and in the workplace in particular.

OSH for Everyone
To further the efforts of Canadian governments in preventing occupational illness and injuries, CCOHS developed the concept of OSH for Everyone. A CD-ROM based product that will give workers and employers easy access to important, useful and understandable prevention information which can be readily applied to the workplace. OSH for Everyone, uses web-browser technology to present searchable information related to health and safety programs as well as specific workplace hazards. Information included ranges from practical checklists and procedures, safety guides, hazard summaries, training materials, publications, reports and other technical material, hazard alerts, excerpts of legislation and interpretive documents. CCOHS and the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) have agreed on the development of a prototype OSH for Everyone which will contain core documents relating to 25 priority topics contributed by the WSIB, the Ontario Ministry of Labour and safe workplace associations.

Pan-Asia Research and Development Grants Programme
This programme, a product of Canada's International Development Research Centre, funds development and research projects in the Asia and Pacific region for networking applications, technologies and regulatory issues to address the region's economic, social and environmental problems as selected by the Pan-Asia Research and Development Committee. CCOHS was contracted to administer the Programme, which brings CCOHS into direct contact with educational and research organizations in the Asian region.

CANOSH web site
The purpose of this site, released during North American Occupational Health and Safety (NAOSH) Week in May 1998, is to provide Canadians with independent, easily accessible occupational health and safety information. This information can be used to ensure legal compliance, improve workplace health and safety practices, and ultimately reduce workplace injuries and illnesses via a single location on the Internet. Health and safety information is provided by federal, provincial and territorial governments of Canada, and by the CCOHS.

ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety
CCOHS has developed and distributed the fourth edition of this publication, widely recognized by occupational health and safety professionals around the world, together with the CISILO database on the World Wide Web. The web delivery provides users immediate access through a standard web browser that includes both simple and advanced searching levels. The combination of these two internationally respected, authoritative information sources provides users with a unique reference library.

Canadian Heath Network (CHN)
The CHN is designed to improve access to timely, relevant, and credible information related to health and well-being and to strengthen health promotion networks across Canada. While Health Canada is taking a leadership role in establishing CHN initially, the ultimate goal is to have an integrated and national health information service that is jointly managed and sustained by many partners. The website was launched in November 1999. CCOHS has been approved as the Affiliate partner for the Workplace Health topic area.

Web site development
To extend the use of CCOHS' high quality unbiased information and resources for use by health and safety organizations, we encourage them to link their work and their client base to CCOHS. One method of forming a direct connection is to establish linkage from their web sites to CCOHS' web site. We design or redesign and create web sites for health and safety related organizations with the understanding that they will promote and encourage their membership to use CCOHS' services. Web sites have be developed for the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE) and the Transportation Health and Safety Association of Ontario (THSAO). CSSE is Canada's largest and most established professional organization for health and safety practitioners, with over 1500 members across Canada and the United States and in several nations abroad. THSAO is one of Ontario's safe work associations responsible for the transportation sector.

Statistics Canada
As a result of a joint union-management request by the National Component - Public Service Alliance of Canada and the Ontario Region of Statistics Canada in Toronto, CCOHS conducted a pilot field study of Statistics Canada Pricing Interviewers. The objective of this 'walk-through' study was to observe and identify the ergonomic hazards that a Statistics Canada Pricing Interviewer may be exposed to when pricing goods in a grocery store. This field study consisted of observing a Price Interviewer gathering information and making recommendations to improve the working conditions of Pricing Interviewers.

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©CCOHS, 2007
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