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CMHC for Consumers November 2007

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Shelter Enhancement Program (SEP)

The Shelter Enhancement Program (SEP) assists in repairing, rehabilitating and improving existing shelters for women and their children, youth and men who are victims of family violence; and in acquiring or building new shelters and second-stage housing where needed.

Who is eligible?

Eligible clients are:

  • non-profit corporations
  • charities that, as a principal objective, house women and children, youth or men who are victims of family violence.

As funding is limited to capital assistance, sponsor groups must obtain the assurance of operating assistance for emergency shelters. For second stage housing, occupants are expected to make modest contributions to offset the project's operating costs.

Eligible repairs/work are those required to:

  • bring existing emergency shelters and second stage housing up to health and safety standards
  • permit accessibility for disabled occupants
  • provide adequate and safe program and play areas for children
  • ensure appropriate security for occupants.

What assistance is available?

The assistance is in the form of a fully forgiveable loan which does not have to be repaid provided the owner adheres to the conditions of the program.

  • New Development : For newly developed projects, CMHC may contribute up to 100% of a project’s capital cost. This assistance must be secured by a forgivable 15-year mortgage.
  • Renovation: The maximum loan for renovation varies with the number of existing units/bed-units within the project and its location.
  Maximum Total Loan
(per unit / bed unit)
Zone 1:
Southern areas of Canada


Zone 2:
Northern areas of Canada


Zone 3:
Far Northern areas


A 25% supplement in assistance is available in remote areas.

IMPORTANT: Work carried out before the loan is approved in writing is not eligible for funding under this program.

Other CMHC programs are available to assist eligible Canadians with repairs to substandard housing, accessibility modifications and adaptations for persons with disabilities and seniors.

In some areas of Canada, funding for these or similar programs is provided jointly by the Government of Canada, and the provincial or territorial government. In these areas, the provincial or territorial housing agency may be responsible for delivery of the programs. Program variations may also exist in these areas.

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