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  The Four Host First Nations and Aboriginal Tourism BC prepare to welcome the world
  The Four Host First Nations (FHFN) and the Aboriginal Tourism Association of British Columbia (ATBC) today signed a Statement of Cooperation to work collaboratively towards unprecedented participation of Aboriginal Peoples in the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

"The 2010 Winter Games provide an unprecedented opportunity to raise the profile of the diverse and exciting Aboriginal tourism experiences available for visitors in every region of British Columbia. By working together with the FHFN, we can maximize the benefits of the Games for Aboriginal tourism businesses and communities," said Brenda Baptiste, Chair of ATBC.

Both organizations will work to develop opportunities and legacies for Aboriginal Peoples, particularly in the cultural tourism industry. The signing will ensure that opportunities to participate in the 2010 Winter Games are extended to Aboriginal peoples across British Columbia, as part of the FHFN commitment to ensure that the world will experience Aboriginal art and culture, showcased in the celebration of the 2010 Winter Games.

Chief Bill Williams of the Squamish Nation and Chairperson of the FHFN Board of Directors, said, "this agreement between the FHFN and the ATBC ensures Aboriginal Peoples will be given opportunities to showcase and to share their art and culture with the world. The partnership of the FHFN and the ATBC will build a lasting legacy for Aboriginal Peoples beyond the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games."

The two groups will work together to develop promotional and marketing initiatives, authentication and certification protocols, and branding programs, as well as training and development programs related to the Aboriginal cultural tourism industry. In addition, the SOC also supports the implementation of the Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Blueprint Strategy in British Columbia and the 2010 Aboriginal Trade Pavilion in Vancouver.

Tewanee Joseph, Executive Director and CEO of the FHFN, strongly believes "this Statement of Cooperation between the FHFN and the ATBC confirms our already strong working relationship, and sets out a collaborative process to move forward. We are excited about working together and displaying the best of our cultures on an international stage."

www.fourhostfirstnations.com or www.aboriginalbc.com
  Author: Racelle Kooy
Organization: Aboriginal Tourism Association of BC
E-mail: racelle@aboriginalbc.com