Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Operating in Quebec

If you operate your business in Quebec, you will have to register your GST/HST accounts with Revenu Québec (RQ). To register your payroll, import-export, or corporation income tax accounts you must still contact the CRA.

Register for GST/HST only

If you plan to register only for the GST/HST in Quebec, you do not need to register for a Business Number (BN) with us. For more information or to register, contact the RQ at:

Revenu Québec
3800 Marly Street
Ste-Foy QC G1X 4A5

Telephone: 1-800-567-4692
Outside Canada: 1-514-873-4692 (long distance charges apply)

Web site: Revenu Québec

Register for GST and other accounts

If you register for a GST/HST account with the MRQ before you contact us for other business accounts, we will use the GST/HST account number you received from the RQ as the base to create your 9-digit Business Number (BN).

If you open a GST/HST account with the RQ and you already have a BN, the MRQ will register the GST/HST account number using your exisiting BN.

In Quebec, GST/HST account numbers that the RQ assigns will show the RT program identifier, but not the reference number. For example, the RQ GST/HST account number will be 92345 6789 RT. They do not include the 0001 reference number after the RT.

Forms and publications

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