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Support Services to the Dance Milieu:  Multi-Year, Annual and Project Funding


Completed applications and all support material must be postmarked on or before 15 November. If this date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day.

The Canada Council will not accept incomplete applications, applications sent after the application deadline and applications sent by fax or email.

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Program Description

The Support Services to the Dance Milieu program provides multi-year, annual and project funding to Canadian dance organizations, associations and professionals that are dedicated to the development of professional dance in Canada through the provision of services and related opportunities.

The 15 November 2007 application deadline for this program has three components: Multi-Year and Annual Funding and Project Funding.

Multi-Year and Annual grants are available to Canadian dance organizations that:

  • offer a range of services to a regional community of artists, collectives and/or companies; for example, consulting, dance space, administrative services, opportunities for professional development and/or
  • provide management to no fewer than three individuals, collectives and/or companies and/or
  • carry out sustained activities in dance archiving and/or discourse related to professional Canadian dance and/or
  • provide a sustained program of choreographic exploration and development, and/or
  • undertake national advocacy and communication (in both official languages) for the dance community.

Project grants assist Canadian dance organizations and associations to:

  • co-ordinate a sustained training subsidy scheme for a community of dancers
  • host workshops in any field of artistic skill development for professional dance
  • host a choreographic workshop or exploration for Canadian choreographers, and
  • provide the Canadian dance community with a national forum – at an actual gathering or electronic meeting place – to enhance learning, advocacy or communication among professional practitioners across the country.

Project grants also allow individuals to:

  • undertake a management project on behalf of three or more artists, collectives and/or companies.

Applicants seeking assistance for the development of non-artistic skills (such as governance, management mentorship, needs assessment, strategy or plan development) are encouraged to consult the Dance Flying Squad program.

Applicants seeking support for artist representation or agent activities should contact the Audience and Market Development Office.

All Canada Council for the Arts programs are accessible to Aboriginal arts organizations and arts organizations of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

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All applicants must:

  • be registered or incorporated in Canada (individuals applying to this program may operate as sole proprietors)
  • have an appropriate administrative infrastructure, according to the scope and scale of the organization’s activities, and
  • provide an up-date-to-date business or organization profile (part of the application form).

Multi-Year applicants must also have received annual support for one year.

Annual applicants must also:

  • have been in operation for at least five years
  • have secured financial support from other funding bodies
  • have made a significant contribution to the professional dance milieu through their activities and services, and
  • have received a minimum of two project grants from this program.

Project applicants must have a proven track record of providing services to professional artists, collectives and/or companies.

Ineligible Applicants and Projects

The following are not eligible for support from this program:

  • libraries, universities and colleges
  • workshops that are partially funded by a university or college as an extension of its primary activities (excluding an in-kind contribution)
  • pre-professional or professional dance training organizations, and
  • agents and artists representatives.

Applicants ineligible for the Project component only:

  • organizations currently receiving annual or multi-year support through the Support Services to the Dance Milieu program. Projects related to current services must be included in the applicant’s request for operating support. Exception: pilot initiatives that could demonstrate eligibility for significant new support, not necessarily from the Canada Council, may be accepted on a one-time basis. Any applicants looking for funding for this type of project must discuss this possibility with the program officer before submitting their application
  • dance companies receiving multi-year support in the Creation-Production in Dance program: The support services activity carried out by these companies should be included in their general operations, and will be evaluated within the criteria for “Artistic Merit” in the Creation-Production in Dance program competition (deadline 15 November 2007), and
  • dance companies receiving annual support through the Creation/Production in Dance program: The support services activity carried out by these companies should be included in their general operations, and will be evaluated within the Creation/Production in Dance program criteria for “Artistic Merit.”
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Grant Amount

For a project involving a visiting artistic resource person or people, the maximum contribution to a single organization is $5,000. These grants may be used for the travel, accommodation and per diem expenses for out-of-province professionals, such as guest teachers. The maximum contribution from this program towards accommodation and per diem is $100/person/day. Administration, technical costs, and artistic fees are not eligible.

All other grants (multi-year, annual and project) have a minimum value of $10,000.

Funds are limited, and grants are awarded in a competitive context according to the criteria listed in these guidelines.

Retroactive funding is not available.

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Application Form

Support Services to the Dance Milieu: Multi-Year, Annual and Project Funding (PDF Acrobat document)
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

Operating Grant Financial Form For Arts Organizations (Excel document)

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Further Information

William Lau
Dance Section Officer
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON  K1P 5V8

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or 613-566-4414, ext. 5502

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: (613) 565-5194

Fax: (613) 566-4409

October 2007