Industry Canada | Industrie Canada
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The SADI Proposal Preparation Guide is for the use of applicants who intend to apply for funding from the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative of Industry Canada.

Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative

The Industrial Technologies Office (ITO) manages the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative (SADI). This initiative, launched in April 2007, supports private sector industrial research and pre-competitive development (R&D) in Canada's aerospace, defence, security and space (A&D) industries through repayable project contributions.

To learn more about SADI, click here.

Industrial Technologies Office

In today's knowledge-based global economy, Canadian companies must constantly invent better ways of doing things, as a matter of course. Innovative companies are the ones more likely to grow.

Vigorous competition, rapidly evolving technology and the ease with which investment and knowledge move around the world make it critical for Canadian companies to be innovative to stay on the leading edge. Canadian companies must turn change to their advantage and specialize in higher value-added parts of the global supply chain.

Research and development (R&D) is a key force spurring innovation-based economic growth. In order to benefit all Canadians, the Government of Canada is investing in R&D projects through the Industrial Technologies Office (ITO), an agency of Industry Canada. ITO delivers the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative (SADI), repayable contributions that will leverage crucial private-sector R&D investment in the aerospace, defence, security and space industries. SADI will foster collaboration between research institutions, universities and colleges, non-profit organizations and the private sector, as well.

ITO also manages projects previously contracted through the Technology Partnerships Canada program, the Hydrogen Early Adopters program and the Program for Strategic Industrial Projects.

We invite you to explore our Web site and discover more about ITO's role and its programs.