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Inspector General of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service

There are two review bodies for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS):

  • the Inspector General, internal to the Government and reporting to the Minister of Public Safety
  • the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC), external to the Government and reporting to Parliament

Duties of the Inspector General

The Office of the Inspector General is independent of CSIS and for administrative purposes is part of Public Safety Canada. The Inspector General, who is appointed by the Governor in Council, is responsible to the Deputy Minister of Public Safety. The Office of the Inspector General is located at Public Safety Canada's headquarters in Ottawa.

The Inspector General serves as the Minister's internal auditor for CSIS, and supplements the Deputy Minister's advice with an independent means of assurance that CSIS complies with the law, ministerial direction and operational policy. The Inspector General's right of access to CSIS information and the specific functions of this role are defined in the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act (CSIS Act). Three of the Inspector General's functions are as follows:

  • monitor CSIS compliance with its operational policies
  • review CSIS operational activities
  • conduct reviews of specific CSIS activities as directed by SIRC

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Annual certificate

Another important function of the Inspector General is to submit an annual certificate to the Minister stating the extent to which the Inspector General is satisfied with the annual report of the Director of CSIS. The Minister is required by the CSIS Act to transmit both the Director's annual report and the Inspector General's certificate to SIRC. The Inspector General also reports on CSIS compliance with authorities during the year.

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Additional duties

The Minister can direct the Inspector General to examine particular issues and operational activities. The Inspector General also provides ongoing advice in various forms to Public Safety Canada's Minister and Deputy Minister as well as to CSIS. The advice relates to compliance matters and the effectiveness of the control/accountability framework, including the directions the Minister provides to CSIS under Section 6 of the CSIS Act.