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Canadian Grain Commission

Statistical Information

The CGC provides a variety of data and statistical information produced by Corporate Services, Finance, Industry Services, and the Grain Research Laboratory.

Crop quality data

For data on the quality of this year's crop or from previous years, select one of the reports from the CGC's crop quality data, highlights, and reports or export quality data and reports.


For information on the CGC's financial performance, select a Performance Report from the list of Corporate Publications in the CGC's Publication Index.

Grain codes

For grain codes and associated product codes within each grain, select a CGC product segregation code book.

Grain elevators

For lists and summaries of licensed primary, process, terminal and transfer elevators and their storage capacity, and licensed grain dealers, select Grain Elevators in Canada.

Grain handling

For an annual review of Exports of Canadian Grain and Wheat Flour, select Canadian Grain Exports.

For a monthly and crop year to-date review of grains, oilseeds and wheat flour exported to country of destination, select Exports of Canadian Grain and Wheat Flour.

For a detailed summary of grain and oilseed deliveries by shipping point, select Grain Deliveries at Prairie Points.

For a weekly and crop year to-date report on

select Grain Statistics Weekly.


For a current list of companies licensed by the CGC, read the list of licensees.

For reporting forms for licensees, select from the list of CGC forms.

Moisture tables

For moisture conversion tables for use with model 919/35 and 393/35 moisture meters, select one from the list of moisture tables.

Producer cars

For statistics on producer cars, contact the CGC's producer car officer.


For a list of maximum tariffs (fees) that licensed primary, terminal, process and transfer elevators companies charge for elevating, cleaning, drying and storing grain, select Tariff Summaries.

Test weight

For test weight conversion charts, select one from the list of test weight conversion charts.

Last updated: 2006-08-02