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Image Gallery

Canadian Full-colour

Canada is about people, colour, excitement and originality. And we’ve captured that essence in dozens of original photographs. We’ve got everything from a lobster feast on Prince Edward Island and trekking the Yukon Territory’s Chilkoot Trail to shopping designer boutiques in Montreal, QC and soaking in Alberta’s Banff Hot Springs. There’s beach, citites, nature, food and wine, indigenous culture, sport, art and nightlife…

Available in low, medium, and high-resolution.

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Please note that the photos in this gallery are right-managed. These photos are available for CTC agents and partners. Make sure when making a photo request that you include a reference to the CTC contact and/or indicate the type of CTC partnership to which the project belongs. As a reminder, mention of the photo-credit is mandatory. Images are available for non-commercial purposes.
