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Annual Report 2005-06

Artists and arts organizations in 510 different communities across Canada received more than $132 million in funding from the Canada Council for the Arts last year.

The Canada Council reported that it awarded 5,780 grants with a total value of $120.5 million, as well as $2.6 million in endowed prizes and approximately $9 million Public Lending Right payments to nearly 15,000 Canadian authors.

While previous Annual Reports highlighted arts activities supported by the Council,  the 2005-06 report focuses on the Council’s objectives, strategies and performance, as well as governance issues and financial information. A companion volume to the Report, entitled The Arts: a part of us all, provides a glimpse of the year’s arts activities and their impact on communities across Canada.

--> Annual Report 2005-06 (PDF format)

--> The arts: A part of us all  (PDF format)

--> Annual Report in NXT book format

Maps showing funding and peer assessment participation

Profiles of Canada Council funding

Profiles by province and territory and searchable listing of grants

Previous years' Annual Reports and related information