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Home > Markets > Europe/Latin America > Marketing/France


Market snapshot

Quarterly marketing intelligence report

In-market website





Market at a glance

  • In 2005, $450M in receipts from France.
  • Nearly 5.3M long-haul travellers.
  • 356,000 overnight trips to Canada.
  • Improving share of France’s long-haul outbound market.
  • Significant increase in under 35 year olds since 2002.
  • Ranked No. 7 by overseas market portfolio analysis (down from No. 4).
  • Sluggish economy and high unemployment.
  • Growing government deficit.
  • French language and cultural connection with Canada.
  • Lower than European average per-person trip spending ($1,202).
  • Travel to Canada focused on spring (20 percent) and summer (51 percent), but fall travel is growing (17 percent).

Trade shows

  • Top Résa in Deauville in September is a three-day, travel trade show for tourism and travel professionals. In 2006, we hosted 28 exhibitors on 150 sq m.
    Please contact MICE Exhibition Services for more details.
  • Salon Mondial du Tourisme is an annual consumer show of destinations from around the world (Paris, March 15 to 18, 2007. 
    Please contact Thierry Journé for info.
  • Salon Mahana in Lyon March 2 to 4, 2007 is an annual consumer show of 160 travel destinations. Please contact Thierry Journé for info.
