A Question of Loyalties
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A Question of Loyalties
Invasion or Liberation
Montgomery Takes Montreal
A few days after taking Fort St.
Quebec Governor Guy Carleton had few resources to defend Canada against the United States during the American Revolution. (As portrayed by Nigel Bennett in Canada: A People's History)
Quebec Governor Guy Carleton had few resources to defend Canada against the United States during the American Revolution. (As portrayed by Nigel Bennett in Canada: A People's History)
Jean, on November 13, 1775, Brigadier-General Richard Montgomery's Americans took Montreal without a fight. Since most of the British army was now in captivity, the city was defenseless. Governor Guy Carleton had ordered the city's evacuation hours earlier though few obeyed.

Montgomery entered the Recollet gate and offered the people "liberty and security." He and his army were welcomed by an address signed by some of the city's leading citizens. "Our chains are broken," it read, "blissful liberty restores us to ourselves.... We accept union as we accepted it in our hearts from the moment we learned of the address of 26th October, 1774."

Thérèse Baby was one of the many who stayed in Montreal although she anticipated disaster.

"We are in the worst possible situation," she wrote her brother François in Quebec City.
On November 13, 1775, after the surrender of Fort St. Jean, the Americans took Montreal without a fight. (As portrayed in Canada: A People's History)
On November 13, 1775, after the surrender of Fort St. Jean, the Americans took Montreal without a fight. (As portrayed in Canada: A People's History)

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A Question of Loyalties
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Invasion or Liberation
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Montgomery Takes Montreal
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