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2004 Data Year

Guidance Document

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To respond to the requirements under Phase 1 of the mandatory greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting system, a facility is required to complete a number of steps, which are briefly described below (see also Figure 1):

  1. Calculate the facility's total direct emissions in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq.), for calendar year 2005, for the GHGs subject to reporting under Phase 1.
  2. Determine whether the facility's 2005 emissions meet or exceed the reporting threshold of 100 kilotonnes (kt) of CO2 eq.:
    1. If the facility's emissions meet or exceed the reporting threshold, the facility is required to submit a report for its 2005 emissions (continue to Step 3).
    2. If the facility's emissions fall below the reporting threshold, the facility is not required to register or submit a report for its 2005 emissions.
  3. If a report was submitted in 2005 for the facility's 2004 emissions, a facility identification (ID) number was assigned to the facility. The reporter is to use this same facility ID when completing the report for the facility's 2005 emissions. In utilizing the electronic data reporting (EDR) system, the reporter is to use this facility ID along with the password previously selected by the reporter to access the GHG report (proceed to step 5).
  4. If a GHG report was not submitted in 2005, the reporter must complete the registration process to receive a facility ID to log in to the EDR system. Each facility that is subject to the reporting requirement will need to be registered. In this registration process, the reporter will be asked to provide general information, such as:
    • reporter identification (e.g. name, position, contact information, preferred language of correspondence);
    • reporting company name (e.g. legal and trade names); and
    • facility information (e.g. name, physical location). Log in to the EDR system using the facility ID obtained in the registration process, create a password and complete the report form3 for the facility. The reporter will be asked to provide the following information:
  5. Log in to the EDR system using the facility ID, enter the password (or create a password if logging on for the first time) and complete the report form2 for the facility.
    1. Returning reporters will be asked to review, update and correct the pre-populated information. New reporters will be asked to provide the following information:
      • reporting company's federal business number (BN)3 and relevant facility identifiers;
      • main sector of activities (the reporter will need to select from a list provided; these include those activities that represent the primary sources of emissions likely to be subject to GHG reduction targets under the proposed federal system for large final emitters, or LFEs) and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)4 code;
      • parent company information (e.g. name, address, percent ownership, BN, D-U-N-S number,5 etc.);
      • public contact and certifying official information (e.g. name, position, address, etc.); and
      • National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) identification number (if applicable).
    2. Each facility is required to report total direct GHG emissions as per the reporting format described in section 4 of this document.
      • GHG emissions information (e.g. emissions data, calculation methodologies used, etc.).
  6. Complete the request for confidentiality step if the reporter intends to submit a request that the reported information be kept confidential (appropriate justification will be required).
  7. Complete the required Statement of Certification by printing the statement on company letterhead and having the certifying official sign the statement.
  8. Submit the report form on-line and mail in the signed Statement of Certification and, if applicable, the request for confidentiality. All information must be submitted and/or postmarked by June 1, 2006.

For general questions about the federal GHG reporting program, please contact:

Greenhouse Gas Division, Environment Canada
Telephone: (819) 994-0684
Electronic mail:

For technical assistance with electronic data reporting, please contact:

Statistics Canada
Telephone: 1-800-949-9491

Figure 1: Overview of Reporting Process
Figure 1: Overview of Reporting Process[D]

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2The EDR system will provide specific instructions on how to fill out the form and other relevant information. For technical assistance with the EDR system, please contact the Statistics Canada help line at 1-800-949-9491.

3 The BN is a nine-digit registration number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to Canadian businesses that register for any of the following: corporate income tax; importer/exporter account number; payroll (source) deductions (trust accounts); or goods and services tax. This number can be found on all forms issued to a business by the CRA. The first nine digits that appear on these forms is the BN. This registration number will stay the same no matter how many or what types of accounts a business has.

4The NAICS code is a six-digit code that was developed by Statistics Canada, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and Mexico's Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Informatica, to enable the respective national agencies to collect comparable statistical data. The NAICS code in Canada consists of 20 sectors, 99 subsectors, 321 industry groups, 734 industries and 921 national industries.

5The D-U-N-S number is a unique nine-digit number that D&B (formerly Dun and Bradstreet) uses to identify companies in its financial database. The internationally recognized numbering system is developed and maintaine by the private firm of D&B. This information will help to identify the corporate structures relating reporting companies to their parent companies.

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