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Conference Papers
The Use of Rheological Techniques to Elucidate Durum Wheat Dough Strength Properties

Nancy M. Edwards*, James E. Dexter*, and Martin G. Scanlon*. 2001.
Presented at ICHEAP-5. The 5th Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Florence, Italy, vol. 2, p. 825-830.

This paper is also available for printing and downloading in Microsoft Word 7.0.


Nancy Edwards, Wheat Research Chemist  

Nancy Edwards, Wheat Research Chemist, uses Rheological techniques to measure strength properties of Durum Wheat dough




Materials and Methods



Literature Cited

Durum semolina dough strength characteristics are important considerations in selection of raw materials for both pasta and bread production. Fundamental rheology offers a means of assessing dough strength under conditions of high stress or strain as well as providing information on material linear viscoelastic properties. Various rheological methods (large and small deformation) were employed to elucidate the contributions of durum gluten protein as well as its components, gliadin and glutenin, to dough viscoelastic properties through enrichment studies. Frequency sweeps and long time creep compliance tests performed in the linear viscoelastic region were used to compare the abilities of the various protein components to develop networks and contribute to dough strength. Glutenin had very strong network forming capabilities. Gliadin, on the other hand, was unable to form network structures and did not contribute to dough strength, but probably acts as a plasticizing agent when combined in its native form with glutenin. Low molecular weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) enrichment of dough resulted in stronger, more elastic dough than did high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) enrichment, confirming that LMW-GS is the major contributor to durum dough strength.


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Nancy Edwards, Grain Research Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada,

James Dexter, Grain Research Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada,

Martin G. Scanlon, Department of Food Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Last updated: 2001-10-04


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