About Agriculture

Canadian agriculture – see the possibilities, share the pride

Learn more about agriculture and agribusiness. We created these web pages to celebrate Canadian agriculture, explore recent developments in the industry, invite your input and help us advance the business of agriculture. Take a look at a quick video that gives a few interesting facts about Canadian agriculture. The video is in Flash format, and may take a few moments to download on a dial-up connection.

Share your story

Those in or near the agriculture industry know the potential and feel the pride. Spread the word – share your story.

Show your pride

This industry matters to us, and we know it matters to you, too. 

These are exciting times in agriculture, and FCC is advancing the business of agriculture by taking an important message to Canadians.  We want everyone to understand how much our industry means to us all.  You can help spread that message by ordering these items to show your pride.